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Injection Molding in Printed Circuit Boards by Ryan Camomile

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Injection Molding in Printed Circuit Boards by
Article Posted: 11/02/2010
Article Views: 103
Articles Written: 373
Word Count: 622
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Injection Molding in Printed Circuit Boards

The process of injection molding is used for many of the products we take for granted today. The typical automobile in the United States features polymer dashboards, panels, and components created with injection molding. Manufacturers of plastic crates, juice cartons, and other containers use injection molding to bring uniformity to their products. Architects and design firms incorporate injection molding when creating models for their clients. Prospective converts to injection molding need to learn the process as well as common injection flaws before investing in equipment.

Injection molding requires an injection ram, material hopper, heating system, and mold. The material hopper is connected to the heating unit to melt plastic polymers before the injection ram presses the heated material down. The mold is an outline of the product in question created from CAD drawings and schematics. Every mold features the juts, curves, and other elements needed to create a perfect rendering of the original plan. The melted polymer squeezes through a nozzle into the mold where the material is left to dry. Injection mold experts keep their molds cold so the heated polymers will cool quickly. After the polymer is completely cool, the final product is removed from the mold and the process is repeated. In most cases, the cooled plastics are only half the picture, with molding workers attaching both halves through welding and interlocking components.

As an injection molding system is developed, several factors should be kept in mind to produce the best products possible. The shape of the mold should be kept as simple as possible to avoid plastic products that will not stand the test of time. Every mold should have uniform thickness from top to bottom to ensure uniform strength. Mold makers must err on the side of rounded edges rather than jagged and sharp edges to avoid fragile extremities. The best molds feature tapered edges so finished products can be lifted easily without prying into the mold.

Manufacturers need to think about different types of polymers and post-production work once they generate the perfect molds. Whether it is a shipping crate or model, manufacturers lean toward lighter shades rather than dark colors when using injection molding. This trend comes from concerns about flow marks produced during injection molding, which are exaggerated in darker colors. Manufacturers also avoid the temptation to create molds with thick walls by using rib systems and other supports during the post-production process. Injection-molded products with thick walls use large amounts of plastic, which drive up costs significantly during mass production. An excessive build-up of plastic polymers in one section of a mold can also create structural imbalances elsewhere in the mold.

Every injection molding run needs to be monitored carefully to anticipate problems like flow marks, degradation, and contamination. An injected molded product with flow marks features streaks and other indicators of sluggish injection. Products emerging from the molding process with weak walls and extremities are likely victims of poor polymer mixes. Every component in the injection molding process needs to be inspected between runs for sediments to avoid contamination. The simplest approach to troubleshooting injection molding is to run test molds on a regular basis. These test runs add melted polymers gradually into a mold to determine problems in temperature, polymer purity, and mold flaws.

Companies using injection molding need to assign several individuals to work on pre-production, machine operation, and post-production. The pre-production process involves placing polymer into the material hopper, ensuring that the machinery is clean and running test molds. While computer programs often run injection molding, machine operators may be needed to troubleshoot computer operation and small orders. The post-production process involves everything from connecting finished halves to applying treatments, dyes, and labels.

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