People already lined up in front of the Apple store in New York. This line was made eight days before the launch of the device on Friday 21st of September. Most of them are not just waiting for the iphone but they’re just there for different purpose of publicity. The first guy who’s standing in the line (Hazem Sayed) hopes to promote his social network app which is called “Vibe”. Another guy is there hoping to promote his online financial services as well as some other people are there for Gazelle website. You’ll find tons of companies on the launch day are there for promoting their products or services. You didn’t pre-order your iphone 5 on the website? In that case you’ll need a sleeping bag and wait in the lined to get one. Apple recorded 2 Million pre-orders on their website in 24 hours. This record was not like the iphone 4s since it made 2 Million orders on the second day. An analyst is estimating Apples sales from the iphone 5 to reach 10 Million devices within the first week of its arrival. Apple said that some of its accessories won’t be available when the iphone 5 goes on sale like the connector, and they said it’s going to be released after a few days. But the head sets and iphone 5 covers are still available for consumers. Apple will deliver the phone on 21st of September in the United States and Europe such as France, UK and Germany. After that the phone will be available on 28th of September for another 22 countries. They are planning to market the iphone 5 to 240 carriers in 100 countries by year end including Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. Wall Street is predicting an increase in Apples shares price after the numbers of the pre orders. Even the after the pre-orders, the company said that the new shipment of pre-orders will be shipped from two to three weeks. The iphone 5 will be $199 for new or extended year contract and if you cannot upgrade, your iphone 5 will starts at $649. Author bio: This article is written by Steven, who is a professional writer in the field of gadgets and technology.
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