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Trump's Billions a Flimsy Foundation by Michael Bresciani

Trump's Billions a Flimsy Foundation by
Article Posted: 01/04/2016
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Trump's Billions a Flimsy Foundation

Current Affairs,Advice,Christianity
In many years of paying close attention to the political scene in the United States I can say I learned a few things. One is that Americans do not take kindly to anyone who does not get onboard the current popular social or political trend of the day.

The very nature of true Christian ministry, whether we call ourselves preachers, messengers, prophets or simply servants, is to proclaim the will and counsel of God. We don’t parrot the will of the people or the favored leader of the day.

At about the same time, I published my article “Has Conservative Media Already Chosen their Candidate?” several announcements rang across the internet and other media that served to confirm the very message I intended to convey in that article.

Matt Drudge, who WND had just labeled “The King of the Internet,” announced his willingness to use his influence to assure the election of Donald Trump. I can only hope that not knowing we had a king over the internet might count for something to keep me out of the king’s dungeons.

Within 12 hours of publishing my piece Joseph Farah’s WND put up an article proclaiming Donald Trump to be WND’s “Man of the Year.” Although I rarely get involved in blog replies I answered that proclamation with a link to my article. I was rewarded with replies from a few reasonable people and a barrage of angry trump supporters who all but called me stupid (A Trumpian favorite expression of disdain)

Fox news has been fawning over Trump for months, but their favoritism was even more apparent when they featured Trump in their New Year’s Eve celebrations as the special guest of the night. After seven full years of complaining about the MSM being an extension of the Obama administration, does this seem like pure hypocrisy to anyone other than me?

I could simply say, I rest my case, but that is not possible for servants such as me.

In America it is considered fair game to scrutinize and criticize our political candidates, but it is considered off limits to be too critical of the voters. This is where people like me come in - because it is the “people” who can make the biggest mistakes. Dare I bring to mind the Fuhrer’s flock of floozies, who after all were only responding to his promise to - “Make Germany great again?”

We could add the lapse in judgment in 2008 and 2012 as another example. Did the Protestants and Catholics who voted for Obama fall asleep? Certainly they are awake today and reeling under the Obama led persecution of our faith. From the Little Sisters of the Poor to the passage of Obergefell, we are taking a beating unprecedented in U.S. history.

Casting aside the lessons of 1974, when Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace after the people gave him the biggest re-election landslide in history; we seemed to have gone deaf, dumb and blind. We cheerfully placed a community organizer in office that would leave the country completely disorganized and debt.

Don’t criticize the American voter? Why not – Obama did not elect himself.

Bloggers who respond to my published article about Trump run out of ammunition very quickly when facts about Trumps lack of statesmanship or political savvy are brought to the front. Usually the replies are laced with anger and words like stupid and hater. So far I have not been accused of ‘Trumpophobia’ but who knows what’s in the future.

I love the promise of a great America and I believe Trump means every word he says, what worries me and millions like myself, is Trumps foundation not his rhetoric.

Is Trump standing on his business success and the 10 billion bucks he often brags about? It would be very hard after listening to him at length to come to any other conclusion. Could anyone say he is standing on the Rock of Jesus Christ or his written word?

“Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.” (Mt.7: 24-25)

Is Mr Trump, who cannot, as yet, remember one single scriptural verse to quote, hearing and doing what Jesus said? No, Trump is not on the ballot to be America’s pastor, but we can be reasonably sure he will not be found in an oval office closet on bending knee asking for God’s guidance in times of national crisis.

The question again is Trump’s business success and the 10 billion it produced what he is trusting in, and is it, what we are trusting?

Here is a simple scriptural equation taken from Matthew’s gospel that speaks directly to what we trust in and how we perceive wealth and riches.

“Woe unto you, ye blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor! Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold” (Mt 23: 16-17)

The question this passage invokes is simple, but infinitely important.

Which is greater the wealth of a nation or the nation itself, its history, its founders, its constitution and its statesmen.

Our foundation has never been our wealth.

The Prophet Zephaniah warned The City of Jerusalem about trusting in riches to deliver them especially from their enemies. To wit:

“Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD'S wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.” (Zep 1: 18)

Finally, let’s stop complaining that it was George Soros who bought the White House for the democrats in 2008/12 if we are just going to let Donald Trump buy the White House in 2016.

Our nation is in peril and we are looking to a businessman to turn it around. It was not wealth or the lack of it that got us to this point and it will not be wealth that ends our decline. We have forgotten God and that alone is the reason we are in decline.

We are facing an economic crash that will be unparalleled in our history. No one, not even Trump has the know how to pull us out of it.

All the gold we can muster and all the business acumen in the world will not alter the course upon which we are moving.

I don’t have to ask anyone to believe me, all I need to do is proclaim it. It will prove itself.

Michael Bresciani is the publisher of American since 2005. The website features the articles and reports of Rev Bresciani along with some of America’s best writers and journalists, news and reviews that have earned the site the title of - The Website for Insight. Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook

Related Articles - Trump’s Billions a Flimsy Foundation, Mt.7: 24-25, Zep 1: 18, Matt Drudge, king of the internet, Joseph Farah, WND, Prophet Zephaniah, Man of the year Trump?,

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