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Three Trees - A Serious Warning to America by Michael Bresciani

Three Trees - A Serious Warning to America by
Article Posted: 05/18/2015
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Three Trees - A Serious Warning to America

Current Affairs,Advice,Christianity
The First Tree - Erez

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn author of ‘The Harbinger’ introduced the parallel between the prophecies of Isaiah and the raising of the Erez tree in place of the fallen Sycamore after the events of 9/11. In the spring of 2014 even the Erez tree was completely removed and Cahn has explained that this means that America is not just in decline, but is facing an impending judgment.

Few would dare to argue with Cahn’s declaration due to the rapidly changing social climate in America. Pop-culture trends are quickly replacing old moral standards and what was once unmentionable is now becoming daily occurrence.

Yet, there are two remaining trees that must be reckoned with, one is eternal and will never be removed from the course of human history throughout time and eternity. The other tree is passing and will be the signal of a brief time when America and the entire world will bravely, howbeit, foolishly enter what Barack Obama has called “Change we can believe in.”

While a small window of time now exists in which to change course, if Obama’s “change” is not altered, it will, as promised, produce a change, but it will bring more regret and severity than all the sorrow produced in the first the second wars combined. Obama’s change seems like the brave new world of global multiculturism and PC leveling of all playing fields, and although it is received in a happy party spirit it will leave this nation and all others who adopt it – desolate.

While Obama’s change and evolved views may compel the frothing of evil posing as social change, there is a formidable formula put forth in the Bible that clearly warns that such changes are in themselves a form of judgement. It starts with a passage that Barack Obama labeled as “obscure,’ but in reality is one of the timeliest and most urgent verses of prophetic utterance in the entirety of the New Testament. In fact, it is the immutable promise that one day all of Barack Obama’s declarations about what is moral and acceptable will be assigned to the backwaters of human history as both obscure and completely erroneous.

The Apostle Paul, who unlike Obama has never had his Christianity questioned, declared that men will eventually insist on immorality which will cause them to be given up by God to a state of reprobation. To wit:

“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.” (Ro 1: 28)

When God gives men over to reprobation – they have already been judged. Life may go on and good days and bad may follow, but redemption is no longer a possibility.

The Second Tree – The Cursing Tree

Volleys of anti-Christian sentiments, lawsuits and attacks are being leveled at the church and all who represent the conservative adherence to the Bible, few are willing to admit that it is an assault against the very foundations upon which our nation was founded.

Is this Mao’s China; shall we send our youth out to break down the pillars that hold up the very concept of America? Is this a day for viral videos like the ‘Eric Shepard challenge’ where a single man calls for the stomping of the American flag and gets millions of people interested and involved in making their own videos where they are seen dancing on the flag? Apparently it is!

The frantic gyrations of the Godless generation cannot remove nor abate the power of the tree upon which Christ was slain. Its power is so immutable that the only course of action that remains is to hate it, along with those who represent it.

It is not the cogitations of one sitting under the Bodhi tree or doubtful and dark disputations raised as another emerged from the dark caves of Medina. It is not the development of an all new golden religious system, but it is a tree of cursing. It is not part of the so called ‘three great religions of the world,’ but rather it is the only means of salvation that will ever be offered to fallen man.

It is there that one man hung and took upon himself all the sins of mankind and dealt with them once and for all. After dealing with that sin he sealed his authority to do so by leaving death behind in the tomb where they laid him and emerging to take up full authority over all eternity at the right hand of God the Father.

“Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.” (Ga 3: 13)

The Third Tree – The Dry Tree

Those who disregard prophecy are doomed to be the participants of man’s worst behaviors. Today we are sure that the great figures of the last days prophecies are alive like the ‘false prophet’ and the ‘antichrist,’ but it follows that if they are alive today, then billions of those who will follow them are also alive and readying themselves for the rise of the world’s last and worst ruler.

According to the Bible the spirit of antichrist gets working in the earth long before the man appears to produce the most backward and perverted sin of all time, the sin the Prophet Daniel and Christ himself called – the ‘abomination of desolation.’

The anti-Christian and the antichrist spirit seen today in the severe persecution of Christians are the spirit of antichrist being agitated, directed and leveled at believers around the globe.

It is the beginning of the ‘dry tree’ and it is the answer to the question Christ put forth to the women who walked along with him as he carried his cross to Golgotha to be crucified.

The setting, the question and the answer to the question are forthwith and are now waltzing down the pike about to break into a march of anti-Christian persecution un-paralleled in history. To wit:

“And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him. But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck. Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, fall on us; and to the hills, cover us. For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?” (Lu 23: 27-31)

Evidence of the dry tree is everywhere in today’s America. Hillary Clinton has declared that it is time for religious convictions and guides to ‘change’ to fit the multicultural attitudes of the day. Obama says, his thinking on homosexual marriage has changed and has opened the gates for perversion to be “normalized.” Bakers are fined tens of thousands of dollars for adhering to their Bible taught Christian convictions.

This is the beginning of the dry tree. These kinds of changes and attitudes are the answer to Christ’s question – “…if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?”

Michael Bresciani is the publisher of American since 2005. The website features the articles and reports of Rev Bresciani along with some of America’s best writers and journalists, news and reviews that have earned the site the title of - The Website for Insight. Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook

Related Articles - Three Trees, serious warning to America, Hillary has declared, erez, cursing tree, dry tree, Eric Shepard, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger, bakers are fined,

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