To excel in leadership, there are rules that you must follow to be a great leader and lead your people to success. These rules of successful leadership are what you need to be on top of things in this day and age. I advice you to adhere to them to be up and up as you take yourself and your people to greatness. Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha’s #1 Rule Successful Leadership Author Your Destiny: You must be in-charge of the authorship of your own destiny or someone else will. God has given you the right to freedom and dominion but it’s in your hands to utilize them. Respond to your ability and take the responsibility to bring yourself and your people to success. Great leaders are proactive in making dreams come true. The only way a leader will lead his/her people rightly is through creative leadership. Develop your ability to be an effective and great leader, and inspire your followers to aspire for greater heights. Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha’s #2 Rule Successful Leadership Have an Edge: In this day, edge not age is what makes one a winner in life. Age is only but number while edge is power and advantage. Improve your leadership by educating yourself, go for mentorship and be a good reader. Being current is the currency of life. Great leaders pay great prices to make their people better. We are living in a very competitive world; to succeed you must have an advantage over your competitor. You cannot give what you do not have so there’s a great need to develop yourself. Equip yourself to be on the advantageous position to positively impact lives. The right information, skills and people are what you need to have an executive edge and lead well in this wisdom age. Develop the winning edge in life. Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha’s #3 Rule Successful Leadership Be Real: You must be able to tell yourself and your people the truth at all times. You cannot fool all the people all the time and the worst deceit is self-deceit. Realistic leaders are objective enough to minimize illusions; they understand that self-deception can kill their vision. As a leader, what you do or do not do always has consequences. You may try to maintain an unrealistic outlook and lifestyle but someday you will surely pay a realistic price for it. The greatest fool is the one who fools himself. As a leader, people are depending on you. The ability to define reality, think creatively and see clearly impacts your leadership 24/7. Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha’s #4 Rule of Successful Leadership Lead: Leaders lead they do not manage. You must become a better leader to take your people to greater height and make your organization better. It’s wonderful when people believe in their leader but more wonderful when a leader believes in his/her people. Maintain your integrity by making your words and deeds consistent. Clearly communicate your values and vision to your team. Show respect for your people. Focus on shared goals more than your personal agenda and do the right thing regardless of personal risk. Don’t withhold information from your people. Can they rely on you? Your people are not subordinates who simply need to do what you say, allow them to air their views. Humans are to be lead, not micro-managed. Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha’s #5 Rule of Successful Leadership Be the Change You Want: Never try to make people a second edition of yourself but live an exemplary life and everybody will emulate you. Try to understand your people because understanding people precedes leading them. Sensitivity toward the hopes and dreams of the people in your organization is essential for connecting and motivating them. To be worthy of the responsibility of leadership, you must have insight into your people’s heart. To be an effective leader, you must be willing to be and lead the change you want to see. You cannot get the best out of your people if you don’t know who they are, where they are coming from, where they want to go, why they do what they do, what they think and how they can contribute to the betterment of the team. Do not write people off but lead and show them the way of positive change. Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha’s #6 Rule of Successful Leadership Maximize Your Strengths and Work on Your Weaknesses: One truth you should know in life is that half of being smart is knowing what you are dumb at. To be a successful leader, you need to know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. Great leaders have a better sense of their strengths and weaknesses. They know who they are and who they are not. They do not try to be all things to all people. Their personalities and behaviors are the same anywhere. Be genuine. You strive in your weakness and thrive in your strengths. Keep your mind on the main thing; you can’t be everything to everybody. Discipline yourself to be better. Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha’s #7 Rule of Successful Leadership Keep Improving Yourself: People who are great and successful in life are intentional. Developing yourself equally improves the people and things around you. To grow, you have to be committed. People do not reach their potentials or accomplish their desires by accident. They pay a price to get the prize. If you really want to be a great leader, you must be a good learner. The secret of your failure or success lies in your daily agenda. Read books on self-help, biographies, leadership, etc., Leaders are readers! The day you stop learning, you start dying. Keep learning to keep leading.
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