A lot of the job search is waiting: you send a resume and wait for an interview; you go on an interview and wait for more interviews; you go on more interviews and wait for the offer; you negotiate the offer and wait for the response; etc. In a shaky economy like the present, the waiting can be even longer as budgets are slow to be approved. To keep this wait time from becoming wasted time: Keep your profile fresh in their mind. Don’t let out of sight become out of mind. Thank you letters are great for reminding the employer about you in between interviews. In addition, sending articles of interest and referring ideas and/or contacts keep the conversation going in a creative way. Take care of yourself. Press on with company and industry research to keep your mind sharp. Go to the gym to keep your energy up. Treat yourself to a night out with friends or a spa visit to keep your spirit high. Continue with other companies. Don’t let your search stagnate. You do non-medical errands, as you wait in your doctor’s office. Pursue other prospects unrelated to this particular search. This means continuing with other target companies, even when one company shows potential. There are many reasons why any one job doesn’t come through, and some are out of your control, so use the time when your search lulls to develop alternatives.
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