Many salespeople have a fear of closing that they rarely admit. It is the fear that the customer will get mad and throw us out. The fear that the customer will never deal with us if we ask for the order again. Many salespeople also have an unfounded belief that if we don't push the close, the customer will buy from us next week. The customer often tells us they will be buying at a later date and many salespeople belief this and do not try to close. For fifteen years at my seminars, I asked the attendees if they had every been thrown out by a prospect. Occasionally someone would say they had and tell us a great story but I can testify to you that thousands of salespeople who did millions of sales have never been thrown out by the customer. If that is true, who ends the our sales presentations? I mean, if the customer doesn't tell us to stop and it's only us and them in the room, it must be us that decides not to close the sale and not to try to overcome objections! Think about this carefully. If you want to create an effective sales strategy for one call closes and if you want to close more sales, it is important to realize that in almost every case, we are the ones who decide not to try any more to close the sale or overcome the objections. Somewhere during our sales presentation, we decide that we will not be closing the sale or overcoming their objection and we decide to leave. They don't throw us out, we throw them out! What can we do to prevent this and to develop sales strategies that result iin more sales closes and more objections overcome? Here are a few steps you can take. Develop A Habit Of Closing The Sale During the close, we all fall back on our established habits. If it becomes a habit not to close the sale, you need to develop a habit of closing. The best way is to try to close at every sale. Have five or six good closes ready and fully rehearsed. Keep Track Of Your Numbers It's far to easy to guess at our statistics. Keep track in writing as to how many times you try to close each presentation. Don't leave out any presentations and count them as "just lookers". See if you can get your average for closing attempt to three to even five per presentation. Avoid The Staple Of Death Watch out for the staple of death. That's what I call it when you finish your sales presentation and staple your card to a brochure. That is a sure sign that you have decided this customer isn't buying and that you are leaving without even trying to close the sale or overcome any objections. When you are done your sales presentation, reach for an order form, not a business acrd and brochure. Develop An Objection Binder You are going to get objections that you will need to overcome. Start a book with a page for every objection you have had trouble with. Ask every good salesperson you know how they overcome this objection. Write down their method and practice it until your are smooth at it. When you have accumulated ten or fifteen ways to overcome this objection, you should be very confident in handling that objection when it comes up. Try this sales strategy and you will see that it helps you to close more sales and overcome more objections. Close more sales today by ordering our online course on closing sales and overcoming objections with Carl Davidson. It's fully guaranteed for 60 days. You will close more sales and overcome more objections immediately. Go to and visit our blog at or call 716-580-3384
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