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Physical Outdoor Advertising will Continue to Dominate the India OOH Advertising: Ken Research by Ankur Gupta

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Physical Outdoor Advertising will Continue to Dominate the India OOH Advertising: Ken Research by
Article Posted: 02/10/2017
Article Views: 840
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Physical Outdoor Advertising will Continue to Dominate the India OOH Advertising: Ken Research

Business,Press Release
Out of Home (OOH) advertising has reigned the advertising business in terms of its effectiveness, reach, and economic value. It has remained an important segment while choosing the advertising portfolio by advertisers in India. India OOH advertising industry has transcended the traditional media options and is no more restricted to posters and billboards. The new media options such as street furniture, transit media, mall kiosks, and digital media have evolved to present advertisers with a variety of options to choose from. Growth was mainly driven by improvement of technologies in transit media advertising and airport advertising which are high traffic volume areas with potential consumers and premium ad spaces. Ecommerce and government spending on OOH advertising have boosted the market positively as new sectors spending on the OOH advertising.

Physical OOH advertising has remained the dominant player in India OOH advertising industry Traditional methods such as billboards, gantries, and other roadside advertisement still dominate the market in physical OOH advertising. New innovative methods such as train wraps, street furniture are fast gaining prominence in physical OOH market with very strong growth rate. Physical OOH has remained major source for promoting products and services when general public has to be reached at large.

Digital OOH advertising has registered growth in revenue as well as market share. Reduced price, weight, and thickness of flat panel display has led the advertisers to chose digital mode as they can display multiple ads and can be customized as per changing consumer pattern. It has become a very vital source for reaching people in metros, airports, malls and other location where safety of the digital display equipments can be guaranteed from public and nature.

BFSI, Ecommerce, Government, FMCG, Telecom, real estate, automobiles, media and entertainment are some other major sectors that made significant contribution to the OOH advertising revenue generation. Market is majorly dominated by few large players and large number of small players. Laqshya media, Times OOH, Pioneer publicity, JC Decaux are some leading players in India OOH advertising industry. No company has Pan India dominance but few companies have expanded their business to many states but their share in market at those locations is still minimal. Large international player like JC Decaux has operations in major metro cities at organized spaces such as street furniture, airports, and metros.

The report titled “India Out of Home (OOH) Advertising Market Outlook to FY’2021- Future Growth to be Driven by Digital and Innovative Physical OOH Media” provides brief overview on India OOH Market and helps readers to identify the ongoing trends in the market and anticipated growth in future depending upon changing market dynamics in coming years. The report will help existing distributors, manufacturers along with end users in large appliances division to align their market centric strategies according to ongoing and expected trends in the future.

Topics Covers in The Report

India Gantries Market, India Street Furniture Trends, JC Decaux Competition India Airport Asset Owners India OOH Business Model OOH India Revenue Streams OOH Industry OOH Advertisement Market India OOH Ad Market Unipole Advertisement Rate India Government Regulations OOH Advertisement Global OOH Advertising Market Physical OOH Ad Space OOH Advertising Market Trends Tendering Process OOH Advertising TDI Company Growth OOH Competition OOH Advertising New Developments Transit Media Advertising

For more information about the publication, refer to the following link:

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Contact Us: Ken Research Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications +91-9015378249

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02/23/17 - 2:45:32 AM - Milly
Global High Temperature Resistant Casters Market Professional Survey Report 2017

MRRS adds "Global High Temperature Resistant Casters Market Professional Survey Report 2017" latest studies, published in January 2017. It is a professional and in-depth study.Get report sample, please email at:

Description: Notes: Production, means the output of High Temperature Resistant Casters Revenue, means the sales value of High Temperature Resistant Casters

This report studies High Temperature Resistant Casters in Global market, especially in North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan and India, with production, revenue, consumption, import and export in these regions, from 2011 to 2015, and forecast to 2021.

This report focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, covering Colson Group USA Germany Blickle Tente Flywheel Metalwork Ltd. Haion Caster Industrial Co.,Ltd. Albion Foshan Globe Caster Co.Ltd Xiangrong Caster Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. Jarvis Shepherd Caster G-DOK Industries Co.,Ltd.

By types, the market can be split into 600kg

By Application, the market can be split into Medical Industrial Airport Others

By Regions, this report covers (we can add the regions/countries as you want) North America China Europe Southeast Asia Japan India Table Of Contents: 1 Industry Overview of High Temperature Resistant Casters 2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of High Temperature Resistant Casters 3 Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of High Temperature Resistant Casters 4 Global High Temperature Resistant Casters Overall Market Overview 5 High Temperature Resistant Casters Regional Market Analysis 6 Global 2011-2016 High Temperature Resistant Casters Segment Market Analysis (by Type) 7 Global 2011-2016 High Temperature Resistant Casters Segment Market Analysis (by Application) 8 Major Manufacturers Analysis of High Temperature Resistant Casters 9 Development Trend of Analysis of High Temperature Resistant Casters Market 10 High Temperature Resistant Casters Marketing Type Analysis 11 Consumers Analysis of High Temperature Resistant Casters 12 Conclusion of the Global High Temperature Resistant Casters Market Professional Survey Report 2017 Browse Complete Report with TOC @

For more information, please feel free to contact us: Tel: +00-1-626-3463946 - U.S Email: Web: About Market Research Report Store ( MRRS ) Market Research Report Store is one of the most fast-growing and professional online platforms for industry reports, market reports, and professional surveys. Our collection covers more than 100 global markets. We have cooperated with leading publishers and consultant companies to offer the best.

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