Once thought to be on the decline, trade show events are projected to increase in importance (and attendance) as we head into 2015 and beyond. Trade shows are massive events which allow businesses to showcase and demonstrate their latest products and services while keeping tabs on market trends and opportunities. They can be a great chance to increase exposure and business for your company. However, it is easy to get lost in a crowd of booths competing for attention, business, and traffic, so careful planning is crucial to establishing an eye-catching booth. Here are 8 things to think about as you plan your organization’s trade show presence. 1. Initiatives The first step in trade show planning is to plan your marketing initiatives for before, during, and after the event. These should entice and engage potential buyers. Be sure to let show-goers know that you’re going to be there before they ever enter the floor, and create follow-up strategies to maintain newly generated interest. 2. The Booth The space your presentation goes in is just as important as what goes in it. Choose the best exhibit display booth for your needs and budget. Consider which areas have the greatest potential for foot traffic and let this inform how you set up the space. 3. Graphics Identify the most effective graphic elements that portray your key messages and communicate your brand. Establish a consistent design for banners, exhibition stands, brochures, and audio visual displays. 4. Buzz It’s not something you can buy from a store, but you can brainstorm unique ideas that will generate buzz throughout the event and draw more attention. 5. Materials You’ll need to pick materials for your display graphics and banners. These can add texture and impact the way your design appears to the public. Which brings us to our next essential… 6. Accessories Add polish, impact, and memorability with exhibit accessories. Audio visual rentals like monitors, stands, and lighting can give your booth an extra visual pop. Moving visuals and interactive displays can be show-stopping elements. 7. “S.W.A.G.” Fans of the show The Office will recognize this acronym as short for “Stuff We All Get,” the free handouts that trade show attendees just love to accumulate. Offer free promotional products and giveaways that are unique and within your budget. They provide visitors with a little reminder of your company even after they leave. 8. Team The most beautiful layout is pointless without a great team. Assemble a polished, presentable, and knowledgeable team to man the booth. They should be friendly and inviting, yet not afraid to close a deal with customers. That’s what you’re there to do, after all.
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