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Cpc flexes muscles to combat corruption in "arduous" mission - China Mini Bike Lights by e55he swrzsnb

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Cpc flexes muscles to combat corruption in "arduous" mission - China Mini Bike Lights by
Article Posted: 08/30/2013
Article Views: 145
Articles Written: 2033
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Cpc flexes muscles to combat corruption in "arduous" mission - China Mini Bike Lights

Business,Business News,Business Opportunities
China was flexing its muscles to fightcorruption which was still an "persistent, complicated and arduous"task, said an expert as the internal anti-graft body of theCommunist Party of China (CPC) convened its three-day plenarysession. President Hu Jintao told the meeting of the CPC Central Commissionfor Discipline Inspection (CCDI) that the Party should "fullyrecognize the situation of the fight against corruption," which was"persistent, complicated and arduous." Last year, at least 15 ministerial or provincial level officials,including heads of State-owned enterprises (SOE), were investigatedfor corruption, nine of whom were referred for prosecution, theCCDI said. Among them were former Supreme People's Court Vice President HuangSongyou, who was the first supreme court justice in China removedfor grave violations of the law and the Party discipline. "The graft fight and the promotion of a clean and honest work amongParty cadres has a great bearing on the Party's survival," Prof.Huang Zongliang of Beijing University told Xinhua. Huang said despite the arrests of many high-ranking officials, thegraft situation did not "show any sign of relaxation," citing the2009 corruption index of the Transparency International, aBerlin-based non-government organization.

Among the annual ranking of the world's countries and regions of180, China ranked 72nd. Countries and regions towards the end ofthe list means more corrupt. Huang said China's ranking was low and there was little progresscompared with that of previous years. ASSET REPORTING SYSTEM IN THE PIPELINE He said to build a system of officials' asset reporting was aneffective way to prevent corruption.

The communique of the last CCDI plenary session in September saidofficials should "report their properties and investment as well asemployment of their spouse and children," and authorities shouldenhance management of officials who had family members livingoverseas. Such requirement was in response to several cases of corruptofficials who fled the country with huge amount of public funds. Huang said the public applauded the move to set up an officials'assets declaration system, as it signaled the Party's effort inpushing for transparency. Currently, the program has been tested in several regions,including eastern Zhejiang and Shanghai and far western Xinjiang. At the CCDI's plenary session Tuesday, Hu, also general secretaryof the CPC Central Committee, said supervision and monitoringshould be enhanced to form an effective corruption preventionsystem.

Vice Minister of Supervision Qu Wanxiang also pledged last week totighten supervision on the SOEs and fight corruption among theirexecutives. At least 35 senior executives of China's large SOEs facedcorruption charges last year, said a report by Faren Magazine,affiliated to the Legal Daily and overseen by the Ministry ofJustice. Among them was Kang Rixin, general manager of the China NationalNuclear Corporation (CNNC), who has been under investigation foralleged grave violations of Party discipline since August. Another prominent case involved Chen Tonghai, former chairman ofChina's state-run oil refiner Sinopec, who was found to have takenalmost 200 million yuan (29.4 million U.S.

dollars) in bribes andgiven a death sentence with a two-year reprieve in July. Latest statistics show more than 106,000 officials in China werepenalized for disciplinary violations from January to November lastyear. President Hu vowed that no corrupt official would be above the lawand Party discipline.

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