First published March 8, 1984: Westfield's Business Men's Association was a lively group about 70years ago (in 1984). Two hundred and fifty invitations were sentout for the seventh annual banquet which was held at Motor Inn Feb.26, 1915. One hundred and sixty-seven men attended the affair. The first floor of the Welch Block at the corner of Main andPortage Streets was opened as an up-to-date restaurant by Dr. C.E.Welch in 1911. A prize was offered to the person submitting thebest name for the new dining room. About 100 names were suggestedand from that list, Motor Inn was chosen, and an appropriate nameit was, as touring by auto was fast becoming the "in" thing. Let's get back to the Business Men's Banquet. By a specialarrangement of small tables all 167 who attended the dinner werecomfortably seated in the pleasant dining room. The invocation wasgiven by Rev. Merrill and then Beckman's Orchestra struck up apopular tune and the banquet was under way. A seven course dinnerwas handled smoothly by Manager Reese. When the ice cream and coffee had disappeared and the cigars wereglowing pleasantly, Toastmaster Rich took the floor. FredRichardson was president of the Business Men's Association and twoweeks after the banquet was elected president of the village on theRepublican ticket. The first speaker was John W. Van Allen of Buffalo, a really bigbusiness man, president of Courier Co. and a personal friend ofProf. Pattison. He made concise statements as to the present dayneed to conserve our resources, to shorten and reduce credits, tobe prepared for anything that might develop in the business world.In closing he related several good stories. Rev. Merrill chose the topic, "Non-Taxable Assets." Among theseassets he mentioned reputation, and the ability to smile. After the songs and speeches were brought to a close, the menadjourned to the Welch Assembly Hall on the third floor of theWelch Block where about 200 ladies had already gathered as guestsof the Association for the second half of the evening'sentertainment, a minstrel show put on by about 15 young men, theentire production being local talent. The jokes were good, theremarks funny but not unkind and the solos were excellent. E.W.Skinner appeared in an immaculate dress suit. Dr. Mudge and A. LeeShort were end men and W.B. Okie got off a number of local hitswhich convulsed the audience. Encores were called for from DeaconBarker, A.L. Dewar, L.F. Masterson and W.O. Strong. It was an evening long to be remembered by Westfield people. That same summer, The Westfield Business Men's Associationsponsored the first annual Automobile Tour. The day was perfect,the roads good, the scenery wonderful, and everyone had a goodtime. At 8 a.m. on the morning of that fine July day, 30 automobileslined up on Main Street to have their picture taken. A.P. Jefferywas the official pilot and he headed his Westcott 40 across theviaduct while others scrambled into line behind him. He alone hadthe secrets of the route to be followed. The procession reached North East without incident and after abrief stop headed south for Findley Lake. Six or eight cars arrivedthere behind the pilot. Most of the cars were thirsty after thehill climb. Sherman and Mayville came next, then Jamestown via thewest side of Chautauqua Lake. In Jamestown the group received a hearty and friendly welcome.Lunch in that city was followed by one minute talks. Then thecaravan proceeded over unfamiliar roads. The pilot picked thenarrowest part of the narrowest road to have his first puncture;later punctures and blow-outs occurred any old place. The trail letto Fredonia and then home to good old Westfield. Some of themotorists who took the tour were Ed Skinner, H.L. Kent, CharlesHanks, A.S. Fitch, J.F. Welch, V.A. Kent, H.L. Munson, P.E. Bethke,R.M. Hyde, P.R. Welch, A.S. Tennant, J.A. Riley and HaroldMorgenstern. The Business Men's Association was surely an enthusiastic groupback in 1915. I am an expert from, while we provides the quality product, such as Pellet Screener Manufacturer , Hammer Mill Machine, Hammer Mill Machine,and more.
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