Donut shaped cushions made of foam allow your pelvic area to remain suspended in the air, in sitti by tony robbin
Donut shaped cushions made of foam allow your pelvic area to remain suspended in the air, in sitti by TONY ROBBIN
Article Posted: 07/22/2013 |
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Word Count: 462 |
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Donut shaped cushions made of foam allow your pelvic area to remain suspended in the air, in sitti |
A human body consists of many bones, out of which there are some key bone areas which have lot of importance and if neglected can cause lot of pain and agony. Many a time when people are sitting in office, driving a car or walking, experience a sudden pain in their lower back or pelvic area, the main reason of which is sitting or standing in a static position for a long period of time. In spite of knowing the symptoms, still it continues to effect the masses. Hemorrhoids is one such kind of disease wherein the veins in the anal region swell up due to increased pressure caused generally by prolonged sitting. It is a very common and very painful condition, but usually not serious. There are basically two types of Hemorrhoid, internal and external, in the former case the veins inside the anal canal swell up and in the case of external hemorrhoid the veins near the opening of the anus swell up. Both the condition can be coexistent and both of them are very painful and common. It can happen because of number of reasons, but the basic cause is excessive pressure on the veins in the pelvic and rectum area. Other causes may include Strained defecation, prolonged sitting, Constipation or diarrhea, Pregnancy or over-weight. The symptoms include anal itching, aching anus, fresh blood laced stood or more lumps near the anus. The best solution to avoid this type of pain is to get a suitable Hemorrhoid Pillow which can not only alleviate pain, but also prevent them from occurring. A combination of this type of pillow and sitz bath works very well in many cases. This pillow is readily available in the market and is very successfully used by all. Pelvic pain is also very common among people who work or study or do business. It can occur due to sitting in one position for a very long time and causes a lot of pain and discomfort. The Biolectrix Donut seat cushion provides benefits like relieving pain by reducing pressure, dual layer cushion provides comfort and support and fully discreet design promotes daily use where ever and when ever a person wants. It is also recommended by physicians and medical healthcare workers to be used on daily basis. This seat also comes with a easy to use handle. The design looks like any ordinary seat but has an inner center hole hidden behind a batting layer and a stretch cotton cover. About Author The Author here is talking about the Hemorrhoid and pelvic pain and how badly it can effect, its causes and remedies like using of Hemorrhoid Pillow and Donut seat cushion which provides comfort instantly. For more information visit www.donut-cushion.com
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