Various religions have various ways of collecting money and doing charity to help the less fortunate of their and other communities. They could be voluntary or obligatory offerings depending on either a religious requirement or an individual’s choice. In Christianity one has the tithe offering which is a voluntary offering. Here basically one tenth of all ones earnings should be given to the church or for charitable purposes. In Islam there is Zakat which is a compulsory giving. Donating Zakat to Charity Zakat is the third Pillar of Islam. Zakat is the mandatory giving of a fixed proportion of a person’s wealth for charitable purposes. In Islam it is regarded as a kind of worship and a way of self-purification. Zakat is not given out of kindness or generosity, in Islam Muslims are required to give 2.5% of their wealth each year to benefit the needy and poor. Zakat has other benefits besides helping the poor: One is obeying God and learning to be self-disciplined. It helps a person appreciate that everything God gives us is on loan and that we have no ownership of anything ourselves. Also, since we can’t take anything with us when we die, we should not hold on to it. It is an acceptance that it is God’s choice if a person is rich or poor and that one should help those that are poor. It helps free one from the love of possessions, money and greed and helps one behave in an honest way. There is several online charity websites where one can do Zakat donate to charity. Different Ways One can Donate to Charity in the UK There are many different ways to make charitable donations in UK. You can give directly from your pay packet or directly from your pension. You can donate through Gift Aid, by doing this you raise the value of your donation. You have the choice of leaving your assets (like buildings or land etc) or money in your will to charity. Or, you can make online donations to several charities via their websites. Donations for Tree Planting Causes and charities vary. Some could ask for donations just help the poor and needy while others request help to improve our geological surroundings including animal and plant life. Some charitable organizations request donations to plant trees. Buy why trees you may wonder. The world’s largest supply of breathable oxygen comes from trees. Without trees we will not have oxygen to breathe. 80% of the world’s forests have been lost to felling of trees. We therefore need to plant more trees to replace them or our existence is under threat. Trees bring rain and they also provide nourishment to the soil. As a result of this several organizations and environmental groups are trying to find ways to get funds to help improve the environment and eco system. Giving a plant a tree donation is one such way. Online donations are accepted and trees are planted with the money collected by these organizations. In Islam, planting trees is a worthy and good act which holds rewards even after death as promised by Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H).
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