In today's world as much as information is important how soon you get it is important as well. If you are not getting the information as quickly as you can then someone else who is getting the information earlier will have an edge over you. And the best way to make sure you get information as quickly as you can is to have information systems with real time information capability. Today the world generates information in huge quantities everyday. This information can show up through several different communications channels and your system needs to be designed such that all the information is captures and is analyzed in real time and the output is instantly accessible. Of course real time information capability is not easy. Even in situations where data is being captured very near to where it is being processed, it is challenging to link processing software with live dynamic data. When data is being captured in a distributed manner across the globe the challenge becomes even greater. But the many benefits of meeting the challenge and building a real time information capability are well worth it. We live in a world where a lot of things happen almost instantaneously. An event takes place somewhere, tweets start to build up on the event, those who get to know of it right away are already reacting to the developments to make sure they are able to make the best use of an opportunity, if it emerges. For example real time information will help you offer your customers a much better experience when they reach out to you. And a better customer experience will soon translate into higher profits. Liferay helps you overcome the challenges posed by the need to obtain, process and deliver information in real time. An experienced Liferay consulting service will deliver a solution that is flexible, reliable and is easy to maintain. Being an open source solution you are not tied down to a single vendor as is the case with proprietary software. You have a cost efficient, feature rich solution that is scalable and future ready.
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