This mission is a task about environment. It will call the deepest voice in heart to protect trees from the cutting down by human beings. In this mission, you need help the king in Shareen to find the real reason to the mysterious phenomenon and change the misfortune about the dying trees. From my point of view, it is a middle level of mission, but it will cost you too much time. You need 25 levels of Agility and ability to kill 172 levels of monsters.In the first place, you need talk with King Narnode Shareen and he will give you a book and a specimen. Then you should take these two things to Hazelmere who lives in a island in Yanille. When you enter into his house, you can give them to him and he will give you some important information which you can get answer from the book he gave. The answer is: A man came to me with the king seal I gave human Daconia rock and Daconia rock will kill the trees. After that, you should come back to the King. You chose none of the above not until you see the answer you get from Hazelmere. Finding Glough, you can go straight and climb a ladder. Pay attention to his location, you will reduce the time to accomplish the task. The king will tell you he catch someone whose name is Charlie and you should ask Glough to search. You can find a journal from Glough’s cupboard. In the jail, Chalie will tell you the secret about Karamja who is making warship and the keyword for the ship. Then you can make a airplane to Karamja and you give the keyword to the workers. The foreman will ask you some questions and he will beat you when you give him the wrong answers. When you come back, the guard will not allow you to enter into the castle, because they believe you are a spy. There are two choices: the first one is accomplish the Tree Gnome Village Quest which you can use spirit tree to enter. The second is you can find Femi and she will send you in secretly. If you have helped her, you will be sending in free or she will ask for 1,000 gold. The king still doubt in the charge about Glough. You should find Charlie again and he will suggest you to find Anita who is Glough’s girlfriend. You can easily find her and she will give you a key which you should give to Glough. Moreover, you can use it to open the box in his house and some plan journals. Lastly, the King trusts you and you can get reward from him. If you want to join in rs, you can buy runescape accounts on the website. The runescape accounts for sale and have low prices. It is safe and simple for new beginners. It is not only cut down you time to get promotion and kill monsters, but also go further in runescape. If you just register an account, you will find it is locked in low levels. It causes some troubles. On the other hand, you can sell rs accounts on it. You just need to follow the steps on the website and it is easy to operate.
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