Efficiency and reliability need to go hand in hand. If one is increased at the cost of the other then the benefits of the gain on the one side may be more than offset by the problems on the other side and the increase may not be a good idea. And you will find many examples in real life where increasing reliability slows things down and makes them less efficient. And of situations where speeding things up and making them more efficient makes them less reliable. But when efficiency and reliability can be enhanced together that is a real win win option. And a Liferay portal offers just such an option for enterprise content management. It has a wide range of thoughtful content management features that make it much easier to add content and also to get content related information. This makes it faster to get critical information and gives a big boost to the efficiency of the operation. That was about how a Liferay portal solution helps enhance the efficiency. But as I wrote at the outset efficiency without reliability is not desirable. To make sure you get a reliable and stable enterprise content management solution you opt for a leading Liferay consulting service. Their long standing experience will give you a reliable and stable solution which is also cost efficient. The powerful features of a Liferay based solution also address the important need for data security. The data security of all data is of great importance today and at the same time it should be easily accessible to those who are authorized to access it. Liferay offers a system of various permission levels so that persons with different needs have their own authentication code that grants them data access to a level provided for them. Another great feature is the thoughtfully planned admin interface. The admin usually uses the portal much more than the average user and since the portal is easy to use for them the portal management becomes much simpler.
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