TOKYO, Jun 07, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Hitachi Cable, Ltd.(TOKYO:5812) has announced the development and release of extendeddistance Active Optical HDMI cables (Note 1) which transmit imagesignals such as full HD (Note 2), 3D, and 4K2K (Note 3) throughoptical fibers for digital signage. Sales of this product willstart in June. Digital signage, in which large format high definition thindisplays are used as signboards, has become common in recent yearsin public and commercial facilities. The cables used in digitalsignage must be compatible with high speed interfaces such as HDMIin order to display high resolution images. Unlike ordinaryconsumer household metal HDMI cables that have short transmissionlengths of 10 meters or less, commercial signage applicationsrequire long transmission distances, and in some cases requires ULPlenum rated cable. In order to respond to such needs, Hitachi Cable has developed longand thin Active Optical HDMI cables which transmit full HD imagesignals via optical fibers, and will introduce them to the marketin June. The Active Optical HDMI cable being released has a built-inphotoelectric converter in the connector. Hitachi Cable developedthis small photoelectric converter using the active opticalcomponent technologies that the company has accumulated through thedevelopment of various optical devices; and has mounted it withinthe connector to realize the same handling as ordinary HDMIconnectors. Hitachi Cable used optical fiber as the high-speed signal wire inthe cable, realizing up to 100 meters of transmission distance, andachieved a small outer diameter of 5.9 mm by using a correctioncircuit for the low speed signal wire to prevent signalattenuation. The cable is also Plenum rated and compliant with thefire resistance standard UL444, which is required in the UnitedStates for wiring in spaces with a constant air flow due to airhandling, such as under floors in data centers, and plenum areas incommercial buildings. These features will reduce the procedures and costs of installationwork and further promote the use of digital signage. Hitachi Cable will put even more effort into producing longer andthinner Active Optical HDMI, and other high-speed data cables, toexpand the product lineup as quickly as possible. Main specifications of the optical HDMI cable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Specification ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outer diameter of the cable 5.9 mm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cable length 20 m, 30 m, 50 m, 70 m, 100 m----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transmission speed Compatible specification: HDMI (High Speed) 3.4 Gbit/s/ch x 4 ch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connector size 45 mm (length) x 12 mm (thickness) x 19 mm (width) (in compliance with the HDMI standard) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-flammability UL444 (Plenum grade) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power consumption 140 mW or less at most (as the total of 4 ch)----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Certified as HDMI Converter Cable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Note 1) HDMI is an abbreviation of High Definition MultimediaInterface, a registered trademark of HDMI Licensing, LLC. (Note 2) Full HD is anabbreviation of "full high definition," an image signal with a resolution of 1,920 x 1,080 pixels. (Note 3) 4K2K isan image signal with a resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 pixels.Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: SOURCE: Hitachi Cable, Ltd. CONTACT: Hitachi Cable, Ltd. Masayuki Yoshihara, +81-3-6381-1050Corporate Communication Section FAX: +81-3-5256-3240 Copyright Business Wire 2012 -0- KEYWORD: Japan Asia Pacific INDUSTRY KEYWORD: Building Systems Technology Hardware Networks Audio/Video Other Technology Manufacturing Other Manufacturing Construction & Property SUBJECT CODE: Product/Service Photo/Multimedia. The e-commerce company in China offers quality products such as China Portable Data Collection Terminal , China GIS Terminal, and more. For more , please visit Mobile POS Terminals today!
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