In the real world, arithmetic is known as numerology. According to numerologists, everything in the world is dependent upon the mystical properties of numbers. These properties come from the numbers’ inherent vibration. Other new-age practitioners use the term vibration to describe beliefs in the power of items like crystals, gemstones, colors and essential oils. As the theory goes, each number has a unique vibration, giving it certain properties. These properties can shed light onto a person’s behavior or predict whether romantic partners are compatible. Neurological analysis can determine a person’s lucky number or lucky day. Recurring numbers can offer clues into how the world works or the significance of people and events. According to many numerologists, nothing happens by accident — everything happens because of numbers. Love Match By Name Most numerologists credit Pythagoras with founding the field of numerology. Pythagoras and his followers, known as Pythagoreans, studied mathematics, music and philosophy. In addition, Pythagoras and his followers believed in mystical properties of numbers. According to Underwood Dudley, author of “Numerology: Or What Pythagoras Wrought”, the Pythagorean became interested in number mysticism after discovering a particularly fascinating fact about numbers. If you add up a series of odd numbers beginning with the number one, the result is always a square number. The Properties of Numbers In their study of mathematical concepts, the Pythagorean s sorted numbers into categories. Numbers like 1, 4 and 9 were square because a corresponding number of dots or pebbles could be arranged in a perfect square. One, three, six and 10 were triangular — one, three, six or 10 dots can be arranged into regular triangles. Two, six and 12 were oblong, since the corresponding number of pebbles formed rectangles. Along with describing numbers in terms of math and geometry, the Pythagoreans also described them in terms of non-numerical traits. These traits had more to do with intuition and mysticism than science or mathematics. For example, odd numbers were masculine, and even numbers were feminine. The number one was creative, since the addition of multiple ones can create any other number. Two represented duality and was female, while three was male. As the sum of two and three, five represented marriage, and since it fell exactly in the middle of the numbers one through nine, it also represented justice. love marriage palmistry in hindi love marriage according to palmistry
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