The Shackleton leadership program is named after one of the greatest explorers and leaders of all time. He was the man who led his crew through what seems like impossible dangers and got every single man home safely. After their ship the Endurance was crushed in pack ice a few miles of the coast of Antarctica, the men were left with very little food and inadequate shelter. Just to survive in some of the most extreme conditions on earth required tremendous skill and courage. He and his crew were heading for the windswept and freezing continent to do scientific exploration when their boat the Endurance became trapped in pack ice. Even though they were only a few miles from the coast it made their retreat impossible. Left with only a small amount of food and little in the way of shelter the expedition was in a dire situation. The crew moved onto the ice pack and set up camp. Shackleton's team had been hand picked and every man was valuable to the group. It was his job to ensure that everyone worked together and stayed motivated. This was achieved by carefully selecting small groups to work together on projects. This philosophy still holds true today. The right mix of individuals will be very productive together. The wrong mix spells disaster. Being a very good judge of character was one of his great qualities. His crew was hand picked for their exceptional skill and abilities. This is just as important today as it was then. Finding the best people for the team, checking their references and staying in contact with them at all times is crucial. Motivation is a vital characteristic of a good leader. They are very aware of their position and know that they must inspire their team. Just as Shackleton did, a good leader must explain the plan to his team. The next step is to let everyone know they are a vital part of the success and what their role will be. Selecting the best person for each job is crucial. An ability to think logically is also important. This allows the person in charge to have a clear plan in place. It is also easier to convince others to follow if they can clearly see a logical program ahead of them. The leader should not be afraid to change course if they realise their initial plan is not working. Again logic is a crucial part of the strategy. Shackleton's men had complete faith in his ability as a leader and were willing to follow him into extremely dangerous situations with confidence. Compassion and nurture are qualities that are often forgotten in the busy modern world. In addition many leaders feel that by showing their more nurturing side they will appear weak. This is absolutely not the case. During the worst moments of their treacherous journey, crew members from the Endurance began to fail. Shackleton was able to recognize this and respond to them in a caring and encouraging manner. A Shackleton leadership program is an outstanding experience for anyone interested in developing stronger leadership skills. Not only will they learn about the life an achievements of one of the most effective leaders of all time. They will also learn about themselves and what they are capable of. When you would like to learn more about the benefits of a Shackleton leadership program, check out the website of Leadership Lives. You will find additional info when you go to the main site at today.
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