It is really strange the way candle industry has changed with the upcoming of soy candles during the past decade. Now a newer advancement in this industry is seen with the advent of pillar candles made from soy. This candle variant does not comprise of soy completely as some botanical oils or paraffin might be amalgamated with soy wax for ascertaining the firmness to stand. Therefore all those companies or sources that claim to provide 100% soy made candles are either completely scamming or their wisdom about these candles is half cooked. Let’s see some factors in favor of soy pillar candles. First and the most evident aspect is that soy candles deny releasing any kind of black soot and are less hazardous in terms of side effects. As against the carcinogens released when paraffin was candles are burnt, soy based wax is much healthier because it releases non-toxic white soot. Given a proper methodology for burning, these candles will not release any soot. This is far soothing for people who suffer from headache or uneasiness when paraffin candles are burnt. It is also a known reality now that candles produced from soy burn extra long compared to the time taken by paraffin candles. This is eventually makes them far more economical and a reason for people to buy wholesale soy wax. Another significant attribute about soy pillar candles is that their shape never deteriorates. Pure wax may not be able to hold the stand because of its viscosity and therefore it is vital to blend botanical oils. This is the reason soy pillar candles retain their shape even in the warmest of temperatures. Consumption rate of soy wax is higher than that of paraffin, as we can evidently see significant amount of leftover wax when paraffin candles are burnt. Soy candles when made out of high grade soy and wick will consume entirely. Fragrances are a predominant factor in modern day candles, but again fragrance released from soy candles is much superior because of soy’s consistency in burning. And because soy burns slower, scent it releases is bound to last long in the air. So if you are looking forward to a pleasing ambiance, you should go for perfumed soy candles for the household. These are best in festive times or when you are expecting some guests. With prevalence of soy candles, wholesale soy wax is highly in demand in the candle industry.
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