Israel President Shimon Peres Shimon Peres has reached the United States on a four day official visit wherehe is to be awarded with the Medal of Freedom by his counterpart Barack Obama Barack Obama in an investiture ceremony. Shimon Peres is also expected to raisea host of issues with President Obama including the controversialnuclear program of Iran and fate of a convicted Israeli spy. TheUnited States and Israel have got deep relationship and mutualrespect for each other. Perhaps, the deep friendship between boththe countries may be the reason behind the awarding of theprestigious award. By the way, what is the Medal of Freedom? The medal is awarded todignitaries across the globe by President of the United States fortheir contribution in the following three sectors. 1. The individual may have contributed to the security or nationalinterests of the United States. 2. He/ She may have struggled hard to establish world peace 3. The individual should have cultural or some other significantpublic or private ventures The individuals are either selected by the president himself orthey are recommended to him for the award by the DistinguishedCivilian Service Awards Board. According to statistics available onWikipedia website, President Bill Clinton Bill Clinton awarded 88 medals while President George W Bush awarded 81 medalsamong the meritorious individuals. President Barack Obama will beawarding the 32nd medal to his Israeli counterpart on Wednesday. It is widely reported that President Shimon Peres is also carryinga sign petition with him to be presented before Barack Obama as aplea to get an Israeli convicted spy Jonathan Pollard Jonathan Pollard released. The issue will be raise on humanitarian grounds and itis yet to be seen what will be response of President Obama towardsthe petition. Israeli president is also scheduled to have detailedmeetings with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta Leon Panetta and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to discuss differentissues of bilateral interests. Upon his arrival at Blair House, the US president"s officialguest house, Israeli president spoke to media and said Israel isperturbed over repeated failure of talks of the internationalcommunity with Iran. He said the issue will be raised withPresident Obama during the meeting. Israel is frustrated with Iranas the latter does not appear to budge on the nuclear program. Itmay be pertinent to mention here that Israel has been pushing theUnited States for the last couple of years to attack nuclear sitesof Iran. Israel deems there is no other way to get the nuclearenrichment program of Iran halted but a military operation. Observers believe that it could be a political gimmick on part ofPresident Obama to award the Israeli president to garner the Jewishvote. Let"s see how the Jewish community living in the UnitedStates responds to the Medal of Freedom being awarded to ShimonPeres. We are high quality suppliers, our products such as CCM Continuous Casting Machine , Billet CCM for oversee buyer. To know more, please visits Billet Continuous Casting Machine.
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