Harry Potter's followers will get to enjoy a lot of things on this London holiday. Stay comfortably in the family hotels in London and relive the excursions of your very popular icon by visiting locations round where the movie shootings were held. Kings Cross Station Do you remember the platform number 9 ¾ from where the Harry Potter embarked onto his magical journey. The train to Hogwarts can be apprehended at the King's Cross station in London. The stage is really an arched partition between stage numbered 4 and 5 where the trolley went away to go in into magical world through the Platform 9 ¾' in the first part of the sequence titled "The Sorcerer's Stone". Piccadilly Circus The circus features in the most memorable scenes of the film i.e. "The Deathly Hallows- Part I" in which Harry, Ron and Hermione are seen hurrying through the West End. While hurrying to avoid getting apprehended by the death-eaters, the three individual features jump out of the magical world to enter into Muggles' world and almost miss out on being hit by a double decor. St. Pancras On taking the next door at the King's Cross station, you will stumble on to the "Destination Station". On the out-of-doors one can glimpse the Neo- Gothic concealment of St. Pancras where Ron took off with Harry in his magical car Ford Anglia in order to save him from his cruel relations in the second Part titled "Chamber of Secrets". Reptile House at the London Zoo Remember in the “Sorcerer's Stone,” when Harry accidently found out that he can speak snake's dialect while visiting the reptile museum. He then sets free the python with his mind at a tender age. The zoo dwellings over 650 distinct wildlife varieties and therefore is furthermore a great location to spend quality time with your family. Stay snugly in the comfortable family hotels in London sharing proximity with the famous Zoo. Millennium Bridge The view of the connection brings to brain the spectacular unfastening of another sequel titled "Half- Blood Prince when the death- eaters deliberately destroy the magnificent Millennium Bridge and the footbridges collapses leaving behind not anything but ashes. The Millennium Bridge is a well-known London attraction intended for pedestrian only and connects Bankside with the city and gives panoramic outlook of the London city and the attractive St. Paul's cathedral. Leaden Hall Market The well known market in the city of London was utilised as a Diagon Alley in "The Sorcerer's Stone". The market is a superb example of the Victorian-era market with ornate dyed roofing. Remember the "Leaky Cauldron" in the first part, the infamous wizard pub used for all the dark activities. The tavern is actually an optician shop in the Leaden Hall market. Charing Cross The road is renowned for selling antiques items and for second-hand books stores giving an interesting appeal to the road. The Leaky Cauldron pub in the video which served as a hotel for the little wizards and a entrance to the magical realm from the Muggles' world is not anything but our very own Charing Cross Road. For a deja vu experience with the Harry Potter locations, choose to stay in family hotels in London close to those attractions. For more visit now http://www.theshaftesbury.com/
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