Do you struggle to get new clients? Are you uncomfortable selling yourself or your services? Do you hate the very idea of sales or selling? If so, you are not alone. Let’s face it…We’ve all had the experience—or at least heard horror-stories—of being “sold” something we really didn’t want or need. And few people enjoy being pressured into buying anything. So it’s no wonder the mere thought of selling leaves a bad taste in so many people’s mouths. Luckily there are plenty of ways to get people to buy without “selling” a thing. In fact, the best salespeople I know avoid hard-selling like the plague. And they often don’t cold-call either. Instead they position themselves as helpful experts. How? By offering solutions to their prospect’s and client’s problems…By providing useful information without being asked…And by becoming someone their prospects and clients know, trust and like. When you do this, over time, people come to see you as the expert. Then, instead of you chasing after them, they end up chasing after you. Because they’ve decided you are the person they need to solve their problems and help them achieve their goals. Thankfully, you are probably already an expert at something related to what you do. Otherwise you wouldn’t have the business you have today, right? So all you have to do is become known as the expert you already are. The most effective way to do this is by publicly offering useful ideas and information. Best of all, it’s easy to do. Here are six simple ideas to get you started on the road to expertdom… 1) Publishing: Nothing screams expert like a book (or e-book) with your name on it. And these days you don’t have to be a writer—or get a publisher—to enjoy all the benefits of having a book. If you do write articles, compile a bunch on a similar topic into an e-book. If you don’t write, you can interview other experts and record a CD. Or, have the interview transcribed into an e-book to sell online. You can also collaborate with a writer or have a book ghostwritten for you. If you want to have a print book, the easiest way is by using a print-on-demand publisher. That way you don’t risk ending up with hundreds of unsold copies in your closet. And many can even drop ship books to buyers without you lifting a finger. 2) Public Speaking: Entertaining, informative workshops and seminars draw new clients like bees to honey. Why? Because they automatically position you as an expert. And they give people a chance to get to know, like and trust you. If you’re good speaker—with helpful advice or insights to offer—chances are people in your audience will want your products or services. 3) Teleseminars: If you hate standing in front of an audience, but like teaching, you can enjoy many of the benefits of public-speaking by hosting free or paid teleseminars (speaking engagements held on the phone). They’re cost effective and becoming more popular every day. Plus teleseminars have a whole host of uses…You can record and sell them later. Give ‘em away for free as bonuses or viral marketing tools. And post them on your Website to build credibility. 4) Free Reports: No one likes being sold, but most people enjoy getting things for free! Especially if what they get actually solves a problem, answers an important question, or fills a need. So don’t create a Website or send sales letters with the primary goal of getting people to buy from you. Instead, offer them something useful in the form of a free report, audio or other helpful item. If they’re impressed with the info they’ll remember you and want to buy without you ever “selling”. 5) Press: It’s hard to beat the value of getting your name in magazines or business journals. And you don’t need to be a writer to make it happen. If you are doing something different, or valuable to your community, chances are it might make good news. And many papers and social networking sites have events calendars you can take advantage of. A simple press release can get your event listed, staff writers interested, and you interviewed. 6) Article Writing: If you like writing, articles can quickly increase your standing as an expert. Write your own newsletter to regularly get your wisdom in front of clients and prospects. Articles published in magazines and newspapers make you an instant expert. And posting articles in online article databases and social networking sites gets your name out into the world. Just be sure to always include your Website in your signature or byline so anyone who is interested can contact you. Send them to your Website for a free report is even better. Then they have even more opportunity to get to know you and what you can do. The beauty of all these ideas is they’re fairly inexpensive and extremely effective. Plus, some even generate revenue directly! Of course, the key to making these ideas work is consistency. So pick two or three and commit to doing them regularly. Before you know it, your phone is going to be ringing with new clients wanting to hire you and only you—and you won’t have to sell a thing. Enjoy this article? Take all your marketing efforts to the next level, by signing up for your copy of Stacy’s FREE report “The 7 Deadliest Small Business Marketing Sins…Are You Guilty?” at You also get practical tips, tricks and ideas for turning your small business into a big success delivered to your inbox weekly at no charge as a special thank you. With more than 20 years experience running small businesses, author Stacy Karacostas has developed a variety of proven tools, tips and tricks that take the struggle out of growing your small business. Discover all kinds of powerful resources, free for the taking, at
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