alidan : ever shoot a gun in a game made within... lets say 10 years? wealready have lighting like they are barging about, whether its fakeor not is another point i'm unsure of, but it looks real enough tothe point i'm not questioning it. i still say that this ispathetic, if only because of games like hardresetwatch?v=488L20UXUKUand keep in mind,that is a game that is running dx9, and on a 5770 gets over 30fpsat 1920x1200 you understand the difference between faked,and realtime? we have effects in games right now that if everythingwas done real time, wouldn't look all that different, but wouldtake a 60fps game and make it a 20 or less fps game.i take out thephysics because that is something that you know will be heavilyabused because its there, and you will want to turn it off, muchlike how bloom and motion bluring is right now. i take out theadvanced lighting, because we can currently fake most of thoseeffects, and save an absolute crap ton on the required are takeing the argument to an extreme and i find it stupid.want to know what makes a game great.gameplay, thats it. afterthan, what comes next.. soundyou dont notice it much anymorebecause sound is good enough in most games to become an afterthought, do yourself a favor and try playing black lightretribution a bit, the sound in that game is easily the best i haveever heard in recent memory, and the first time i ever knew whatdirection something was happening in the game by the sound alonewith stereo (not 5.1) headphonesafter gameplay and sound, comes thegraphics, and the first important thing is the textures, i dontcare what effects the game has, how many pollies it pushes, if thetextures arent there, than nothing else matters. and with witcher 2on dx9, we had textures a long time ago, we also had the pollydetail a long time ago, we had great lighting a long time ago, wehad MANY thing a long time ago, but for some reason, unreal 4 comesalong and is telling us its new and amazing... its takeswhat use to be canned, and makes i real timeit takes what we fakedand makes it real timethe only thing that it adds is physics, but isee that being something that gets turned off because of the abusemost games will put that through. if they faked this demo on unreal3, and did the tricks to save cpu and gpu power, im willing to betthis wouldn't require more than a mid range card to handle, insteadof saying it forces a 680 at minimum.i understand that its a stepforward, and a necessary one, but looking at what we have, and whatwe are getting, barring physics (im assuming in engine and notphsyx) is just going from faking effects to real time effects. We are high quality suppliers, our products such as 2ch RC Airplane , China Aerobatic Aircraft for oversee buyer. To know more, please visits 4ch RC Airplanes.
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