Whether or not you are leaving summer or summer is approaching, summer upgrades can really help make your home more efficient energy-wise and more cost effective over the long run. Even if you did not feel like getting any of this stuff done during the intense summer heat, the same changes can be applied at the end of summer and be effective for wintertime, as well. Home Insulation – Many people think of home insulation as being especially applicable during the winter, but it also reduce cooling costs in the summer. If heat can escape, it can also get in the same way, and insulation keeps your house a nice even temperature all year round. Home Cleaning – It does not always seem clear why cleaning can actually improve cooling in the summer and warmth in the winter, but one of the reasons is believed to be the way in which cleaning highlights broken or missing floorboards, paneling, shingles, and so on, which would otherwise have gone unnoticed in a cluttered environment. Another reason is that it also requires you to take pride in your environment, which supports keeping your home well insulated and protected and repaired. Varmint Resistance – During the warmer months, varmints like to hide under your house to escape the heat, and they like to live in your house during the winter months to escape the cold. Check your foundation, house skirting or exterior paneling, and any holes in which varmints can enter beneath your house and inside your house. Even pets can find ways underneath the house and can smell up the area by urinating or defecating where it is almost impossible to get to and nearly impossible to remove animals from. Light Utilization – Having a plan for light utilization can keep warming sunrays out during the hottest part of the day, while making use of solar energy for both heating and cooling purpose all year round. Many people also make use of wind by determining from which direction the wind is coming and opening windows and doors at opposite ends of the house to increase air flow and cut down on cooling costs during the warmer months. Just about any source of natural energy can be exploited without having to buy costly equipment. Being creative and thinking outside of the box is the most effective way to save our planet and cut down on your heating and cooling costs. Envirosafe Solutions offers eco friendly fuel treatments, fabric softeners, and laundry liquids and powders. Our unique, innovative industrial hand cleaners and dust suppressants are just a few more solutions which we offer along the way.
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