Business owners are being pressured by governments, consumers, and eco minded investors to find new ways to make their operations to run greener. From converting manufacturing plants to run on greener forms of energy to introducing a work place recycling program at corporate offices, the possibilities for positive environmental changes across every industry are endless. For many small businesses, transitioning to a more ecofriendly business model can seem like an overwhelming task. As consumer demands for products and services that are created and delivered using environmentally conscious practices increase, it is becoming imperative that even small business owners create a solid plan to transition their company to meet the markets demands. In the last few years, increased regulations and informed consumers have created an open market where the business costs of ecofriendly changes are beginning to be offset by the profits created and the cost of fines if companies do not comply. For business owners who are on a tight budget, creating a strategic plan and approaching solutions the way you would approach any decision is imperative. There are many different options available to business owners some of them are low or no cost changes, while other changes require a larger time and monetary investment. Devoting a little planning time toward developing a solid plan with a timeline and budget outline will help keep you on track and moving toward achieving your goals as an ecofriendly company. When you begin to develop your plan you should break it down into several sections. Set short and long term goals. Introducing small initiatives and communicating your goals with your employees will help you motivate your team and open up the idea pool to your entire staff. Encourage your entry level and middle management to look at ways to improve your company's environmental impact that are free or low cost. When you begin putting your long term plan together you may be surprised by how many changes you can make without a large financial investment. You should also address any new regulations in your area that pertain to your industry. Failure to comply with new standards could be more costly in the long run. Budgeting for future regulations will help ensure you do not suffer any financial burdens or a drop in public opinion down the road. Once you have established basic work place initiatives, you can turn you attentions to more long term investments in ecofriendly practices. As your business expands and grows, utilizing green building practices when you build new locations, converting any company vehicles to clean energy, and investing in renewable energy sources at your office, manufacturing, or other locations, are all major financial investments. One of the biggest mistakes small business owners make when they are converting their companies to more ecofriendly operations is forgetting to make decisions about the financial cost of changes based on what is best for business. Many small business owners get caught up in current trends and end up running their businesses into the ground because of costly changes that cannot be sustained. Written by Lawrence Reaves for Beacon Hill Associates - - a wholesale insurance broker and program administrator focusing on specialty insurance related to the environment and pollution.
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