No doubt you are always thinking about how to improve the circulation of your magazine. It's foremost on your mind, and you are well aware of the growth of social media. The question you have to ask yourself is: are you fighting against social media or are you working with it? The advantage that publishers of magazines have over social media is that magazines have the advantage of being able to go into great depth on a topic and yet people will still pay attention. But the various social media work in a different way; the goal is to grab some little bite sized bit of information and then move on to something else. However, that's no reason to despair. You should consider the advantages of each, and try for a symbiotic approach. We admit upfront that you have to have a Facebook presence. If you have been fighting that idea, the fight is over. You should establish a Facebook site with the same name as your magazine, so if your magazine is called Modern Rocker, that's what your Facebook page is called. By "modern rocker" we don't mean musicians; rather, we're going to create a magazine for people who want to buy rocking chairs. So you have your magazine and now you have your Facebook page. How are you going to use the page to get more interest in the magazine? One way to start might be to promote the advantages of a rocking chair. You then might ask readers to contribute funny stories about experiences people have had using rocking chairs. This leads to a contest, and contests lead to prizes such as a free subscription to your magazine. Another approach is puzzles and brain teasers. People are highly competitive and you can get people to compete for just about anything. For example, you may have a puzzle that requires people to search all over your web site for clues. What you will in time discover is that certain types of objects have fans, and in many cases quite dedicated fans. There are fans of teddy bears, fans of Model T Fords, fans of Chinese junk boats. Things that you know about but probably never think about have dedicated hordes of people who are fans. Most famous rocking chair? The one owned by President Kennedy. If you are a seller of rocking chairs, you should know about this simply because it's a talking point of interest to your customers. That famous rocking chair was sold at auction recently. That's something you could post on Facebook in order to get the conversation going. You then mention that you are going to have a full scale article on the subject in your next magazine. That's the sort of thing you should be doing to help stitch together your social media and print media work. The trick is not the think of social media as a threat to your printed marketing materials, but rather as a help. Contact Conquest Graphics online today for a discussion about using social media to help expand the reach of your magazine
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Social Media, Magazine, Magazines, Printing,