Your company newsletter is an important tool for keeping everyone aware of developments. And yet you must know that people are also keeping up with developments in other ways, and one of the most important ways is through internet based social media. Your choice as a publisher of printed marketing materials is whether you want to fight the new technological developments, or whether you want to harness them for your own good. We recommend the latter. One of the most important functions of a company newsletter is to let people know what's going on in your world; in other words, it's for internal consumption. One problem that many companies have to deal with is rumors and misinformation, and a good company newsletter will anticipate rumors and misinformation which might arise from new developments such as new locations, management changes, the discontinuation of products, the merger of departments. By stating in clear terms what is going to happen and why, and who will be involved, a well thought out newsletter will go a long way to keep people properly informed. However, as a back up solution, we recommend linking your newsletter to a company Facebook page. On this page, the company can keep people updated as well. Here, any rumors that have come up can be addressed and employees can ask questions or hold their own discussions. They are going to do it anyway, so giving employees a forum in which to discuss matters of concern is a good way to defuse potential problems or to correct rumors. Obviously, since it's a company site, it has to be controlled by the company - things can't get too out of hand. But studies show that when people have outlets through which they can give input about what's going on in their companies, they experience a higher degree of work satisfaction. We think that learning about what is said on Facebook and creating a column in the newsletter itself in order to address some of these issues is a great way to manage information and at the same time make the newsletter highly relevant. There's no reason that the social media and the print media can't reinforce one other. Organizations which go too far in sanitizing the news about their company tend to end up with a situation in which their statements are looked upon with skepticism. Those which address issues with some level of directness often find that their constituencies - whether it's employees or organizational membership - have more confidence in the organization as a whole. Contact Conquest Graphics online for a discussino about enhancing your company newsletter with social media.
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