If you are thinking of running a post card campaign to market your business or organization, good for you. You are in on the secret, which is that post cards are a terrific way to get attention and get results. Why don't more marketers know this? Probably because they tried it once and it didn't work an instant miracle for them. People give up too early, it seems. If post cards have been around for several hundred years, there must be some reason why they are effective. Think of all the products and services which have come and gone over just the past century. Some, like the telegraph or the transoceanic cable, were hailed as permanent victories over man's difficulties in communicating. Those are either gone or no longer as important as they once were. The post card, on the other hand, is thriving, thank you very much. Let's say that you run a small bicycle sales and repair shop. It's getting to be that time of year when people decide to get out and do things. They want to be more active. You think that there's some business to be had, and so you have decided to conduct your very first post card campaign. The first thing you need to think about is: where are the most likely customers? One idea is to consider apartment dwellers. They have no yards of their own and so it's possible they just never thought about owning a bicycle. Where would they store it? Here's where you start to sell. You have to anticipate their reaction to a sales pitch for a bicycle. And so what you do is you design an image of a bicycle that can be folded up and easily stored. This becomes your primary image for your post card. It goes on the front of the card. People receiving your card in their apartments may look at it and wonder what it is. When they flip it over you make your pitch: 'This is how small your bicycle can be if you purchase from us. It stores easily in a closet.' That's all it takes. The ideas clicks in a lot of people's minds at once: Yes, that's exactly what's been holding me back. You have posed and answered a concern all at the same time. You then go to the post office and arrange to take part in their Every Door Direct Mail program, which allows you to target mail every valid address in a specific area. You choose the area that you think is right, and you prepare your post card run. Working with a full service printer will get you a great price on the production of the cards and high quality printing as well. You have everything you need. Once your mailing is taken care of by the post office, you should see what kind of response you get. If customers start contacting you, you know you did everything right. Don't expect everyone to come at once, though. Customer response to marketing efforts usually follows a bell curve, and the bulk of the responders may come later. That's why you don't want to target too large an area all at once: you don't want to be overwhelmed. Contact Conquest Graphics today for a discussion about how to make your post card campaigns more effective with imagery.
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Postcards, Post card, Images, Image, Printing, Graphics,