Brian Kearns from 24.7 Online Conversions takes a look at Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and the future of Web 3.0 Web 1.0 According to Tim Bernes-Lee Web 1.0 was a search and read only iliteration of the web. It was the first step to an open un-policed environment where if you wanted information on any given topic at any given time you could search for it and attempt to communicate about this topic. Essential the key point was information was there to be searched, the question is did people develop the skills to search the information required, did we become search experts? If you are familiar with the following phrases or sites (take directly from web 2.0) then maybe you did, Bitcoin,, Piratebay, Boolean Operators, Readers, RSS Feeds, Hashtags Silkroad perhaps you did. The web has developed much like the earth as we know almost all life inhabits the crust but perhaps some people have developed skills to search beyond the simple surface layer. Web 2.0 Brian Kearns comments that Web 2.0 was interaction which ultimately evolved into Social and Marketing, it’s a case of being bombarded with information from a variety of advertisers who have collected vast amounts of data using complex algorithms in an attempt to understand your interests. It is also about policing and removing search as now information comes flooding to you though a variety of sources, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Xing, RSS feeds, Likes, Share Recommendations, Tags, @, hashtags, mobile. Web 2.0 is about collecting data on you, your interests, your friends, your job, your network, your holiday, your dreams, and large corporations sell this information or use it to evaluate you. In this corporate theocracy there are few who remain uninfluenced and we can see from recent events when a threat arises to these massive organisations as with the SOPA act, they are more than willing to put aside competition to bend the will of governments. There are those who will always resist and have an alternative agenda, Anonymous for example in some quarters is viewed as a modern Robin Hood. Before we move onto to Web 3.0 it is important to highlight why there will always be a place for groups like Anonymous as long as multination corporations like Facebook, Google and Linkedin police the web (see Facebook policies on images of women breast feeding) there will always be a need for people and groups to counter these restrictions. Web 3.0 Unfortunately web 3.0 is not going to reinvigorate the vision of an open free arena where freedom is speech is valued above all else, instead it is going to become better enabled to control and police your search, semantic web will understand the connections between you and your network and interests. This will make it easier to advertisers to target you. Instead of targeting you through data analysis they will being to target you through your friends, interests and as Psychological research shows people are far likely to purchase a product if it recommended to them by a trusted associate or friend. The web is still a place for innovation and growth, but one has wonder does this environment really provide the best platform for growth innovation and creativity or are we moving toward a more sterile environment where radicals become marginalised? ABOUT THE AUTHOR The Article is written by Brian Kearns at 24.7 Online Conversions providing website analysis, social media strategy, market intelligence and training. Visit for more information on our Products & Services. Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included.
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