A cigar is a tightly-rolled bundle of dried and fermented tobacco that is ignited so that its smoke may be drawn into mouths. The word cigar originated from ‘sikar’, the Mayan-Indian word for smoking, which became “cigarro” in Spanish. The word came into use after 1730. New names for cigar include Jules, Havana, Vitole and Puro. The best cigars come from Cuba, formerly also known as Havana. Smoking the right cigar in the right way is not as easy as light, inhale and exhale. One must know how to look and where to look for the best cigar. Cuba, or more commonly Havana is hailed as the heaven for cigar aficionados. Habanos cigars are the best quality cigars available internationally. Handmade Habanos cigars are generally the best quality cigars as this assures a regular quality control. Long-filled cigars are a quality of cigars to reckon with as they are filled with long tobacco leaves throughout. This medium to full bodied cigar gives a smooth taste and rich smell that can appeal to newcomers as well as cigar veterans. Cigars like humans go through the process of aging. Aging is very significant for a cigar’s overall taste and body. Cigars which are older tend to have a more exceptional taste than a comparatively young cigar. However, too old cigars tend to lose their flavor with the passage of time. The signs of old Habanos cigars are slight shrinkage, the capacity to move the cigar rings up and down the length of the cigar without much abrasion and the incidence of a light grayish powder. To get a freshly rolled type taste one should have the cigar within a few weeks of it being rolled. The Habanos cigars taste the best after one or two years from their manufacture. Some stronger of the Havana cigars taste the best after a period of 5-7 years from their manufacture while there others still that reach their peak after 10 years or so. But after this period most cigars tend to mellow out or lose their taste. The age of a cigar is most significant when lighting up to enjoy a few moments. But age is not the only deciding factor for the taste of a cigar. Some Havana cigars taste their best even when their age is well past their peak time. The reputation of Havana cigars is such that Cuba even has An International Habano’s Festival, the most awaited festival for cigar lovers in the world. For those who share a passion for these cigars this festival has many wonderful treats. Cigarsofhabanos.com online Cuban cigars store offer Cuban cigars, Havana cigars at very affordable price with best qualities. For more information visit on www.cigarsofhabanos.com.
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