As a direct cause of the financial crisis, morale among many UK workers has slumped. A fall in morale can lead to staff not feeling encouraged to do their best, in turn leading to productivity dropping, so how can you prevent this happening in your organisation? You'll need to improve employee engagement, and luckily there are several steps you can take to do this. First of all, you must establish how your workers are feeling. Holding regular staff forums and inviting them to give feedback on ways they would improve your organisation can all help you recognise what areas they are unhappy about. Although it is important to engage with employees during the good times, it becomes even more pressing when trading is difficult. A typical area of complaint across employees in a range of sectors is that they do not feel their efforts are being appreciated. This is not actually the case for many companies; however, providing incentive schemes that give material rewards for good performance will show you do care. So how can you give your staff the impetus to perform to the best of their abilities all of the time? Announcing that you will give a gift card of a certain monetary value to the employee who provides fantastic customer service during a calendar month or achieves the highest sales figures could give workers the extra push they need. While the winner will clearly benefit from receiving the prize, an employee motivation scheme will also pay dividends for you, as all your staff will have that extra incentive to work hard. However, to really motivate your team it is important that the rewards match their interests. Giving a gift voucher to a restaurant enables foodies to treat themselves to a wonderful meal, although if you know your staff love shopping, you should get a card they can use at their favourite high street stores. You could get a card for a specific shop, although if you'd rather give your employees more freedom about where they spend the cash, you can get one that can be used as payment across a range of establishments. If you have workers that have been with your company for a significant period of time, consider how staff rewards can help keep them motivated. These staff are likely to have seen a lot of changes over the years and accumulated a wealth of knowledge, and you won't want the experience they have gained to be taken advantage of by one of your rivals who offers them a bigger salary. Keep them on your side by providing them with a personalised memento and gift card in recognition of a milestone in service they have passed - say a decade - and you could find they're happy to work for you for another ten years. RESOURCE BOX Boosting employee motivation is vital in ensuring your staff perform to the best of their abilities. Love2Reward offer a wide range of staff rewards programs and incentive schemes that help you keep your team motivated.
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