A health Information system is a comprehensive module with a massive capability to store and retrieve data about each and every aspect of the daily operations of a healthcare institution. The need for such a system arises from the fact that the world is moving towards a system where minimising the input costs and efforts is the primary target while ensuring increased revenue on investments made. Healthcare information management systems are designed to take care of the many aspects of your management and administration needs necessary to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of daily tasks. These systems not only are used for end-delivery services but also for medical research purposes. Some of the examples where the application of such a system can be found are:- • It simplifies the complex process of maintaining all record in the form of Electronic Health Record and Master Patient Index. • Billing Purposes: To claim insurance money from various such agencies. • Barcode Systems: For administrative and management like inventory, billing and patient care purposes like registration etc. Besides these, Health information management system helps in establishing a global presences as it provides for seamless exchange of information with other facilities whether within or outside a native country. Not only this promotes the free flow of information but also makes it easier for a patient to get all his/her medical records transferred to other hospitals in case of referrals. Managing finances is also another important task that includes expenses, payroll, tracking orders and hospital supplies which again can be maintained using information system. Studies conducted in countries such as USA and others have shown marked improvements in the lab testing research accuracies, minimising errors such as prescription, billing etc, managing the staff, tracking of the various equipments necessary for laboratory and other purposes, workflow and more when such system were in places. The long term benefits are endless and will ultimately contribute towards raising the standards of the healthcare services in your facility that will increase your reputation. Yasasii is a comprehensive Hospital management Information software designed for all types of healthcare facilities in different settings providing user-friendly interface designed by highly experienced and leading software architects. The simplicity of usage in turn helps in unraveling the complexities of daily operations and eliminating the usage of paper. The ease of use coupled with Decision Support System and Knowledge Management System simplify and reduce the work of healthcare providers, improve work flow, minimizing clinical errors, plugging leakages and increasing overall staff productivity. If you are looking for a healthcare information system then I can assure you that you can contact for a good quality health information management system.
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