Internet marketing SEO (search engine optimization) does not have to be rocket science, as long as you keep one thing in mind at all times, "it's all about what the customer wants". Think about it for a moment. When you do a search online you are looking for something that's going to solve your problem or answer your questions, right? Well, that's exactly what others expect too. This means that when you're building web pages with Internet marketing SEO in mind it's important that you do place a certain amount of keyword phrases within your content in order to let the search engine spiders know what your page is about, however, it's also important that you keep your visitor and their needs in mind at all times. After all, if they don't find what they're looking for they'll click away and be gone forever. So what is a good rule of thumb for Internet marketing SEO? Let's think about this for a moment. Read on... I've recently seen some interesting viewpoints on this topic in a forum conversation with some people saying that the keyword density of a page should be 5%, others saying 3%, while others still are saying 1%. I also just read an article from Google engineer, Matt Cutts, that was referring to this topic that stated exactly what I've already said above, that the primary keywords should be placed within the page enough so that the search engine spiders can tell what the page is about. Personally, when doing Internet marketing SEO recently, I'm having decent success at sticking to the 1% density rule for my primary keyword phrase, while placing several other related words that will help me get my point across while not going overboard with my primary phrase. Keyword density at 1% means that your primary phrase would be placed within every 100 words. In a 500 word article the primary phrase would be there five times. However, I'll also put H1, H2, H3, meta tags and related words to leave no doubt as to what my page is about. Internet marketing SEO isn't rocket science, it's just common sense and good old fashioned hard work. Are you struggling with Affiliate Marketing? Are you spending a lot of money and time only to have the same result? Grab my free report "Top 10 Affiliate Mistakes" and save yourself a lot of heartache. Visit Right Now. You'll learn what NOT to do and finally get yourself on the right track. Internet Marketing SEO. Joe Stewart is an Affiliate Marketer and Small Business owner that enjoys helping others.
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