Advanced Custom Shoes Heads Preference by big tree
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Shoes to highlight the owner's personality. Leaders have the shoes hobby, also embody the characteristics of each different character. Putin likes to wear black sandals, the toe is not a traditional round tip, but the more interesting of the square toe, which seems to indicate that he wants to be political activists, but kept within reason. Berlusconi likes to wear the Italian tradition, sleek flat tip loafers. This is consistent with his self-satisfied, pushy personality. Former U.S. President George W. Bush likes to wear traditional black work, soft leather shoes, or black Italian handmade shoes rough dwarf help, but Bush's favorite thing to wear cowboy boots, let him look like authentic Texas Prodigal Son. As French President Nicolas Sarkozy favored to wear Zenggao Xie reasons, of course it goes without saying. So where these politicians are repairing their feet up head? Dress with political and economic elite is by no means haphazard, even a pair of shoes have demonstrated capacity and quality. Assembly line production can not meet their demands, advanced custom came into being, see the following big-name luxury quality, is not difficult to understand the political and economic elite dress taste. If you give to be a high ranking, then customize the shoe store, the famous brand "Lang Tanzawa" absolutely is a prime example. Lang Tanzawa birth is merely a matter for nearly 30 years, but high quality, high prices and sought after celebrities, even to well-known Italian shoe, Lang Tanzawa also known as niche luxury. Here produced only 6,000 pairs of shoes throughout the year, an average of 20 pairs per day. Its fans include many of the super-rich, government officials and royal family members, the elder Bush and current U.S. President Barack Obama, former President of Italy is its loyal customers. Of course, the shoes produced here, prices are cheap, custom leather shoe according to the pricing, calf leather shoes from the general 40,000 yuan, 50,000 yuan from horse hide footwear, ostrich leather shoes Zexu 80,000 yuan from . Zeng Gaoxie need to increase the original price within 30% of the cost. Custom cycle is generally 2-3 months. Of course, senior custom Italian shoes are not the exclusive. French footwear famous restaurant "Bolu Ti" is also popular celebrity favorite. Its slogan is also very French characteristic: "When the shoes with soul." 1895 was born in France, Bolu Ti family of brands as a hundred years, but remained only a designer, not more than 20 hand-shoe technician Each custom pair of shoes want to spend 250 hours hand-traditional. Because the output of rare, so expensive, it also ensures each pair of almost all works of art. Its patron, including the Royal Prince, the Pope, celebrities and social elite. Custom to make an appointment ahead of time, usually about half the time needed to about the amount of foot division, wait six months to get your custom shoes. This is the big power. The most common custom shoe store shoes starting to be 70,000 yuan. I am China Manufacturers writer, reports some information about 56k external modems , play beyblade.
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