For the last several years, the photography industry has been in a very steady decline. There are many different factors that have caused this, but the bottom line is the same; thousands of businesses have gone under. The very idea of starting a photography studio that does weddings and senior pictures is a little crazy right now. The market works in cycles and eventually there will be a demand for these services again, but when? Until then, most people who want their wedding photographed by a professional have two choices; have Uncle Fred do it or pay thousands of dollars for someone who fancies themselves an artist. Six years ago, digital cameras really moved into the mainstream and people began to ask their family members and friends to photograph their weddings. With film leaving and being replaced by memory sticks, most people really thought that they could do it on their own and save some money. After all, can’t you move people where you want them and hit a button? If you don’t like the picture you’ve taken, you can always just delete it and take another without losing a frame like you did with film. The simple fact is, you can hand a chisel and hammer to anyone and teach them how to use them, but that doesn’t make them a sculptor. Cameras are everywhere now; in our phones, hovering over every street intersection, on the dashboard of every police car and inside every public building. The fact that they are so common now has had a very interesting effect on the photography industry. Years ago when it started, people thought they could take their own photographs because they could afford a good camera like the professionals. Time has passed and like the hammer and chisel, people have begun to realize that they are not photographers; they are just people with cameras. The traditional photographer is now making a comeback because we’ve all seen how bad our own pictures are, and we don’t want our wedding pictures to look like that. The recent economic downturn has changed all of our lives dramatically in a short period of time. During this part of the economic cycle, people stop valuing money as much and reconnect with the important things in life; family, friends and memories. When the economy is down, weddings and childbirths go up. This has created resurgence in the photography industry as people are looking for a professional who doesn’t charge a months salary. There aren’t very many of these professionals around anymore, but supply and demand dictates that this hole will be filled as more people need it. If you are looking to get married or just need to have some pictures taken of your family, don’t make the same old mistakes. Hire a professional and preserve your memories the way they were meant to be, by someone who knows what they are doing. “I have seen a huge slow down in business, but it seems to be building up again”, says Harold Porter, a Denver wedding photographer. Weddings are on the rise and wedding photographers are going up with them, but a complete recovery may be years away. The people who love to take pictures and are good at it today may be photographing your wedding a few years from now!
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