When you think about the idea of tattoos for men, what comes to mind? Is it skulls? How about dragons? Maybe scantily-clad women holding swords? Heck, why not go for the ultimate manly hat-trick of a scantily-clad woman holding a sword in one hand, a skull in the other, all while riding a dragon! No matter which way you look at it, though, the notion of ‘tattoos for men’ is full of bravado & machismo, and always has been. You could even go so far as to say it’s very alpha male in nature. That is, if you think ‘alpha males’ is a thing. It’s not. There’s already a word for it — jerks. In truth, all of this is to say that notions about male custom ink designs are outdated & a little bit asinine. That’s not to say that these aren’t timeless designs in general & don’t have a lineage of their own. However, to classify something as being a ‘guy thing’ versus not is starting to become a thing of the past. It showcases a mindset that’s not with the times. Today’s ‘man’ tattoos are anything a man chooses to get tattooed. Heck, at one point, the whole banner-across-the-heart flash design with the word ‘MOM’ was considered a real tough guy’s way of showing his sensitivity. So, in reality, tattoos & gender-specificity is kind of a ‘meh’ thing. So, let’s think about tattoo designs for coolness sake. Plenty of guys rock some pretty sweet ink. Some of it is in plain black ink whereas others have gone for full-on color. Portraits are becoming kind of a big trend again, with many guys looking to commemorate a special bond with a family member or even someone famous. Others have chosen to dig deep into text, going beyond the kinda tired use of old English letters & going into other languages altogether. And still others have decided that there’s beauty in symmetry & perfection of geometry and mathematics. As such, equations, geometric shapes, and tessellations have turned into high art in the tattooing world. So much for the sword-wielding women on dragon tropes of yesteryear, huh? Maybe you’re a guy about to embark on a first tattoo or maybe about to get another in a long-running collection, but you don’t know where to find cool tattoo ideas. Here are probably the best places to start: Online – Just like everything else in the world nowadays, everything you could ever want to find is on the inter webs. It’s all in the way you choose to search. Social Media – Whether it’s your local tattoo studio or individual artists, you can find a wealth of tattoo designs & pictures on social media platforms. Be careful as you can sometimes come across some NSFW images. Actors, Models, & Musicians – What would rock & roll be without some cool tattoos? Then again, just about every musician in every genre has a bit of ink showing in this day & age. Actors who are particularly inked up go through a big regimen covering up for certain roles, and modeling runways are now all about the ‘bad boy’ attitude complete with tats. If you’re a guy looking for a great tattoo design, your first step is to stop looking specifically for ‘tattoos for men’ & just start looking for tattoos. You’ll find a world of amazing artists & studios who work with a multitude of clients & bring some killer skills to the table. Trying to find some pretty dang sweet tattoos for men in Austin, TX? Go with the custom ink pros at Platinum Ink, serving the area with two great locations.
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