stock photography, stock image, stock photos,Stock fotos Stock Photos, stock photos online, stock photos for sale, Royalty Free Stock Photographs, royalty free stock photograph, royalty free stock photography, Royalty Free Stock Photo, Royalty Free Stock Image feel free to visit Article Source:">Clicking the brightest thing available on earth is the best start for any photographer. There are various angles and times when you can capture the beauty of the sun with your clicking machine. However the best photos that have won numerous awards so far have been those that have been either clicked at sunrise or at sunset. This is the time when the sun it at the peak of its beauty and a masterpiece for the photographer who has an inclination to click photographs that will surely mesmerize a million eyes that will get a chance to witness the clicks. While photographing the sun you need to a bit of planning as angle and timing of the shoot are quite crucial. Winters are considered to be the best time for clicking photographs of the sun. As the sun rises late and sets early thus you don’t need to wake up at wee hours and wait for the sun to set till late hours in the evening. Make it a point to check the timing and the weather forecast for the day when you have planned the shoot at least a day in advance. If the sky is clad with dense clouds you may be forced to postpone your plan of shooting on that particular day. Do a recce of the place where you have planned the shoot and check for the angles that you are going to shoot. You need to check if the place has an unobstructed view or are buildings and electric poles or wires obstructing your view. The more higher a place you choose for the shoot the better images you are going to click. Make notes of all places that you visit. The timing of the sunset and sunrise is of utmost importance along with the month and date. You may have a craving to come back to click some images later. You need to have a good quality camera with you while going in shooting the sun along with a tripod that will keep your camera still while shooting. Manual focus will be essential while shooting the sun. Its not only the sun that will create magic, the sun along with other natural things will help you boost the images that you click. Try clicking a sunset from behind a tree or form the bushes. Keep experimenting with different angles, experience and patience will surely pay you rich dividends in your future endeavors. To know more about stock photography, stock image, stock photos,Stock fotos Stock Photos, stock photos online, stock photos for sale, Royalty Free Stock Photographs, royalty free stock photograph, royalty free stock photography, Royalty Free Stock Photo, Royalty Free Stock Image feel free to visit Article Source:
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