In some case women between the ages of 30 and 50, have some breast cysts, but still small sacs and fill with fluid, in most instances, they will think that not require medical treatment unless that breast cysts become large and make discomfort. The present of cysts maybe increases their chances of developing breast cancer, between 20% - 50% of all women in reproductive age will experience breast cysts at some point in time, but sometime it will disappear after menstruation ceases, unless they used hormone therapy treatment to combat the symptoms of menopause. There are some classified for breast cysts, the first is microcysts, which are too small to actually feel but are visible on mammograms and ultrasounds, the second is macrocysts, which large enough to feel and may grow as large as two inches (five centimeters) in diameter, this cysts type may cause pain and discomfort due to the excess pressure on the breast tissue. The Four Signs of Breast Cysts 1. Smooth lumps with definable edges felt beneath the breast's skin, the shape usually round or oval, that are easily movable. 2. Experience a pain or tenderness on cysts or lumps. 3. The cysts size or amounts of tenderness usually increase before the onset of menstruation. 4. The cysts size or amounts of tenderness usually decrease after the menstrual cycle. All women should do a self breast examination regularly, healthy breast tissue does feel lumpy, but there any present of new lumps or changes on lump size should be telling to your doctor soon as possible for an evaluation. On clinical breast, they will examination and make assessment you’re personal and family medical histories to determine if further testing is needed. May be they going to do an ultrasound to ensure the lump just a fluid-filled sacs, is that true then removing the cyst's fluid just with a fine needle. If fluid is filled without blood, no further treatment is necessary except for a follow-up exam in a month, and if the cysts have returned then surgery is almost never needed for treating breast cysts. The Causes of Breast Cysts The breast structure is just like petals of a daisy and includes 15 to 20 separate lobes comprised of glandular tissues. Every those lobes is contains smaller lobules that are responsible for a new mother's milk production and tiny ducts to keep that milk stored in a reservoir near the nipple until it's time for breast feeding. All these important components of the breast are supported by deep stroma layers or connective tissue. The milk ducts will become blocked dilated, and eventually fill with fluid, if the glands and stroma become overgrown. The exact causes of breast cysts are still unknown, but some scientific evidence discovered that an excess of estrogen may be responsible for their development. But don’t worry too much a few simple lifestyle changes you may be able to reduce the occurrence of breast cysts, and wearing a comfortable bra will helps to take the pressure off the breast tissue can help to relieve pain and healthy diet like reducing salt intake and avoiding caffeine may bring a relief from symptoms of breast cysts. You might be interested to see: · Tip to Detect Breast Cancer Symptoms · Tips to do Wedges Circle Zigzag Breast Examination · Tips to Know about Breast Cancer Therapy · Tips to Know about Breast Cancer Walk For further information about breast cancer please check at Breast Cancer Category
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