I cannot stress too heavily the absolute benefits of therapeutic gardening. What is it I mean by therapeutic gardening? Well many of us take to gardening because we want to grow our own fruits, vegetables and flowers. Maybe we want an attractive landscape to view or possibly the kudos of curb appeal may be the ultimate goal of some people. Whatever it is there is no doubt that gardening, of whatever kind, can also be therapeutic. For many, gardening relaxes the mind, body and spirit. Actually, it is not the gardening, per se, that is so relaxing, but the way that we tend to approach it. If gardening is seen as a chore, it becomes stressful. If we view it as an enjoyable passtime, it can help relieve stress. Focusing on your gardening tasks is the key to relieving stress and as such is the crux of therapeutic gardening! The digging, chopping, and hitting motions in many instances can relieve stress and tension. In some scenarios, people have been known to hit dummies, slam cushions or hit into thin air but therapeutic gardening release stress. Strenuous activities also provides a good outlet for pent up aggression. It is true to say that strenuous activities are certainly not the only ways to relieve stress, something as simple as a walk around the garden may be just what the doctor ordered. When you take your walk, be sure to take in all the colours, fragrances and designs in the garden. You can also admire your gardening skills and this is sure to reverse the stress into a state of well being. And do not forget that the garden is never finished! There will always be something that needs doing, so do not be too critical if you see a few weeds in the border. Here are some pointers for your therapeutic gardening: Make a short list of actions to perform and stick to it. Do not try to do everything in one afternoon, evening, or weekend because this pressure in itself is sure to manifest as stress. Attack garden chores with the same vigor as weight-lifting, running, or swimming. Stop and rest periodically reviving yourself with some stretching and drink plenty of fluids. Listening to music while gardening can add a pleasurable environment with the calming effect of your favorite songs. A great idea would be to teach your children how to garden. Not only will they be learning a lifelong skill but will cherish the quality time spent with you. Stress is at an all time high in the society we live in today and is said to be the root cause of many diseases and chronic illnesses. Learn how to quite your mind and tune out the noise by having brief moments of internal silence. If you do not have the outdoor space to employ your own gardening skills, then volunteer to work on a community project! There are many places that have horticultural therapy programmes that are in need of volunteers. Schools, day care centres, nursing homes and hospitals are great places to start looking to volunteer. Therapeutic gardening has many other advantages, also. Growing your own produce supplies you with fresh fruit and vegetables for your family meals. This is also the opportunity to share the harvest with friends and family. What is better than home grown strawberries from your own garden? Being able to get outside in the sunlight gardening means you can get a healthy supply of vitamin D. Sunshine brightens your spirits and will give you that sun kissed glow. Remember moderation is key when being out in the sun. Gardening often requires a lot of bending and lifting. If you do it the wrong way it can put a lot of added strain on your lower back so be very careful with your posture. Put one knee on the ground rather than bending at the waist switching knees every few minutes. Kneel on a small cushion or knee pad, which you can buy at a department store, gardening shop or online. Also use caution when lifting heavy weights such as shrubs, tubs or bags of soil or waste. Try to keep your back straight and bend at your knees and always use your legs instead of your back to lift the weight. Be careful not to twist your body and if something is too heavy to lift, then do not lift it on your own, wait and get some help. Gardening is an excellent way to relieve stress for all ages but remember to do it safely and over time, do not rush at it. Therapeutic gardening can become not only a stress reliever but a really useful hobby to share with your friends and family. For more info go to Mike Matthews at his website
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