The dishwasher is a vital part of your cleaning arsenal. Unfortunately, many people don’t take the time to learn how to use the machine properly and end up with kitchen items that are actually fairly dirty instead of clean. In this article, we take a look at common mistakes that keep you from having the cleanest dishes possible. If a little detergent works well, more detergent will work even better right? No! The dishwasher and detergent you use both come with a recommended usage amount. The recommendation is based on a number of factors including the size of the dishwasher and the amount of water used in the cleaning process. If you overfill the detergent, this calculation goes out of whack. The end result are dishes that have a film of detergent on them, sometimes obviously so. Not only are the dirty, but the film will affect the taste of your food. The modern dishwasher is excellent when it comes to cleaning dishes. That being said, many people mistakenly believe their dishwasher is also a garbage disposal. It is not. The idea that you can put massively dirty dishes and pans into the washer with the expectation that they will come out crystal clean is crazy. You need to sponge off the dishes and let pans soak a bit. Then you can throw them into the washer and expect clean dishes to come out. How effective will your dishwasher be if the water can’t get to the dishes? Not very! Given this, you need to make sure you understand where the water sprayer is located. No avoid putting pans right next to it. If you do, everything behind the pan will remain dirty since water can’t get to them. Put pans on the outer edge away from the sprayer to ensure clean dishes. The modern dishwasher has evolved to the point that it can practically clean just about anything. That being said, you need to avoid sabotaging yours by following the above tips. Thomas Ajava writes a dishwasher consumer guide for where you can find major appliance stores near you and across the country.
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dishwasher, clean, kitchen, dishes, pans, cleaning, detergent, food, sponge, ,