Fold down seating is comprised of individual chairs that have hinged backs that fold down into the seat. Some of the fold down seating has seats that actually fold up into the back. There are several reasons why an establishment would want to have fold down seating installed versus the other chair options. Fold down seating allows the seat to be made smaller when it is not in use. You have seen this type of seating in almost every movie theater you ever attended. The seat of the chair folds up so that it is not sticking out in the aisle. The majority of chairs that are made in this fashion are connected on a row. These rows of chairs are designed to allow more chairs to be place in an area. The row has a common framework with braces placed strategically to support the weight limits of the seats and their occupants. When the chair is folded people can move freely along the row of seats. This allows the people who have seats in the middle of the row to get to their chairs without having to bump into other chairs on the way. It also allows the establishment to put more rows of chairs in the area because they do not need to leave a walk space that is very wide. This type of seating makes the cleaning of the floor easier to do. Sweeping and mopping under chairs can be hard to do. When the chairs are placed in tight rows and bolted to the floor the sweeping and mopping under them becomes almost impossible to do. If the seat of the chair can be folded up the person using the broom or mop can get under the seat with ease. There are also drawbacks to buying this type of chair system. One of the biggest drawbacks is the fact that the hinged seats are easier to become broken than solid seats are. This means that when people allow children to jump in the seats there is a possibility that the framework could become bent and then it would not fold correctly. The weight limits for the seats that fold up are not as great as the weight limits of chairs with solid bottoms. You will likely have to replace the chairs that fold more frequently than you would have to replace chairs that were stationary. There is a danger of people sitting in the chair and having it fold on their arms or legs. Very few chairs have ever caused serious injury due to folding up on a person. Small children are often too light to sit in these chairs because they are not heavy enough to keep the folding hinge in the open position. Investing in seats that will fold will allow you to have more room and an easier time cleaning the establishment. Most people appreciate these types of chairs and treat them respectfully when they are seated in them. Fold down seating is used to provide a larger aisle in front of the row of chairs. Fold down seating is used in almost every theater and cinema. You can find out more here.
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