The Insurance Company Doctor - why it is important to call me immediately after an accident to get to the right doctor At the bottom of this page you will find a link to a very funny animated video simulation of an exam by an insurance company doctor in an injury case. I highly recommend you watch it (its only a couple of minutes) not only because it will probably make you laugh, but it will warn you about the importance of calling me immediately after an accident to make sure you start your treatment with the right doctor who will fight against this insurance company doctor. Even though it is meant as a spoof, the main points highlighted in the video and the role of the insurance company doctor actually occurs in almost every case I litigate. Even in the most obvious instances, I have seen the insurance company doctor refuse to admit that my client's injuries are related to the accident, refuse to admit the injuries are permanent, refuse to admit the injuries have resulted in any impairment to my client, and/or refuse to admit that my client may need any future care. Recently, I had a client who was rear-ended at 50 mph while she was at a full stop at a red light. This horrible crash totaled her car and she immediately suffered back pain that shot down to her buttocks. After physical therapy failed to resolve her complaints, diagnostic tests revealed she sustained a significant herniated disk in her back that was impinging on a nerve root causing her shooting pain. As a result, she was required to undergo spine surgery to remove the damaged disk. After the insurance company refused to make a reasonable settlement offer, a lawsuit needed to be filed. In Florida, prior to trial, the insurance company is entitled to hire and pay for a doctor of their choosing to examine and testify against the injured party. In the case above, my client did not have complaints of back pain for over 20 years prior to the car crash. However, since my client acknowledged to the insurance company doctor that she was diabetic, the insurance company doctor diagnosed her with diabetic neuropathy and testified that none of her injuries, medical treatment, medical bills, impairment, and pain and suffering were related to the huge car crash. This insurance company doctor gave this testimony even though my client's own treating physician for her diabetes for the past 10 years disagreed by indicating that she does not have, nor ever had diabetic neuropathy. Fortunately for my client, she called me right after the car crash so I was able to make sure my client's treating spine surgeon was going to fight for her. Although some doctors may be skilled in patient care, not all doctors are skilled at testifing persuasively in front of a jury, or some are not willing to take the time to do so. In this case her treating spine surgeon did a great job in helping us fight for our client's rights and we obtained a great verdict for her. Another helpful factor for my clients is that since I have been handling injury law cases in South Florida since 1993, I know who these insurance doctors are and I have proof of the amount of money these doctors are paid by the big insurance industry. Many are paid over a half a million dollars per year to testify against injured parties and I present this evidence to the jury. For this reason, please call me immediately after an accident so I can protect your rights and help you obtain the best medical care, as well as the most compensation you deserve. Please click on the link below to see what I mean about the insurance company doctor. I found it on YouTube and it appears that this video animation was created for or on behalf of an out of state law firm. So any credit for its truth and humor must be given to them. Best regards, BRIAN D. GURALNICK, Esquire Please call me for a free consultation if you ever have any questions (561) 616-9977 Click on my link below to learn more about my law firm and watch my 17 Free Videos answering common questions relating to injury law.
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