If you have a business website then it’s customary to go for a hosting service to keep your site accessible and running. Now the choice you have with such services is that either you can go for dedicated servers or the shared one. In the shared one a single server is used by multiple users. It means here you need to share all the features that comes it among different websites. It includes bandwidth requirements, memory space and other control settings. It comes at a comparatively affordable price range but you need to compromise on speed and privacy. It is so because here every feature is shared therefore security cannot be absolutely guaranteed even though there some protection features to secure your information. Dedicated server hosting is actually just opposite to shared one where an entire server is reserved for your website. Therefore all features and controls are there in your hands which could be modified as per your requirements. Let us some of the versatile features that comes with this service. Performance Benefit- In this kind of managed service you are not sharing your general or processor memory and disk space. Therefore your website would run effectively with absolutely no downtime. Increased Reliability- Here you need not worry about issues such as slowing down, traffic swamp downs or systems crashes that occurs due to multiple site usage. Therefore your website would be always accessible to your customers, which in some ways increases your reputation too. Security Advantage- When there is dedicated hosting where you have entire control on the server therefore there is absolutely no privacy issue. So if confidentiality and privacy is the main concern for your company than this service would suit you just perfectly. Here all access features is in your own hands. Customization benefit- As the whole control setting is there with you therefore you can customize it according to your needs and requirements. Everything from firewall settings, feature controls can be monitored and taken care of independently. Here you also an independent IP address too. Up gradation Features- In this service you have the all access to upgrade the facilities you are initially been provided with. More memory storage and disk spaces or processors can be added or modified as per your requirements. Nowadays cloud hosting type of dedicated server facility is also available which comes loaded with additional benefits and redundancy features. Therefore you can see that dedicated hosting comes with loaded with such out of the box features and the price range that comes with it actually justifies it. Moreover if you are obtaining the services of shared one then the natural progression for you is to go for Dedicated servers. Earth link is a reputed internet services provider that offers dedicated server hosting type of managed service. Email Hosting (exchange 2010 hosting mode) is also offered.
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