Macon lawn maintenance workers may use chemicals for making your lawn weed free. The chemicals that are used for this purpose are: tupersan, mecoprop, dichlorprop, dicamba, dacthal, betasan, compitox and basacran. These chemicals are capable of controlling growth of almost every weed type. Author Bio: Duncan Flawer writes informative and unique articles about Macon landscaper. ">Macon lawn maintenance workers use a number of methods for keeping your lawn free from weeds, for instance watering and mowing, applying herbicides and chemicals, mechanical control and so on. When you hire a Macon lawn maintenance company for making your lawn weed free, the first thing the team of experts sent by the company will do is determine the type of weed you want them to remove. This is because identifying the weed type will make the process of cleaning them much easier. According to experts, one of the most effective and simplest ways of keeping your lawn free from weeds is by maintaining it properly. In addition, lawns with vigorously growing dense grass cover are also less prone to be affected by weeds. At times, lawn weeds act as indicators of certain problems related to grasses or plants. For instance, it has been found that excessive soil compaction has led to growth of weed types like knot weed, path rush and annual bluegrass; poor drainage, on the other hand, is known to encourage growth of Virginia button-weeds and rushes. In such situations, the lawn maintenance workers need to begin by addressing the underlying causes of the weeds. Read through the section below to know about the other frequently used weed control procedures. Watering and Mowing To keep a lawn weed free it is extremely important to water it deeply, particularly during summer months and drought periods. Ideally, a lawn should be waters once every week, early in the morning. Frequent irrigation and light watering must be avoided, as they encourage growth of weeds, especially the ones that are rooted shallowly. Weed control is also possible through mowing. Mowing is known for encouraging growth of grasses; this in turn helps in formation of a thick and lively grass cover, which prevent weeds form growing. Mechanical Control The term “mechanical control” is used for digging or pulling of weeds. Mechanical control works if the lawn has small number of weeds. Certain weed types, for instance dandelion are often removed with the help of equipment like spudding tool or hand fork. Herbicide Lawn weeds can be removed using herbicides of two types, postemergence herbicides and preemergence herbicides. While postemergence herbicides are useful in removing broadleaf weeds, preemergence herbicides are used for preventing growth of annual weeds. Weed Control Using Chemicals Macon lawn maintenance workers may use chemicals for making your lawn weed free. The chemicals that are used for this purpose are: tupersan, mecoprop, dichlorprop, dicamba, dacthal, betasan, compitox and basacran. These chemicals are capable of controlling growth of almost every weed type. Author Bio: Duncan Flawer writes informative and unique articles about Macon landscaper.
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