Weiber’ Customized Fume Hood are specifically engineered to meet customer specifications.To help you develop your design concept, we have the experience and capabilities to assist with custom requirements from simple sash or size modifications to complex, large pilot plant enclosures. For example, our facility has a dedicated test cell designed specifically for housing and testing extremely large configurations. It combines ergonomic design with long lasting; rust free, reliable construction to provide superior products as well as personnel and product protection. Whether you require a standard application fume hood or a custom application fume hood these products can be custom designed and constructed to meet the needs of your laboratory. Custom Fume Hoods for a range of applications and environments. We offer units that feature: complete stainless steel construction, resistant coatings, laminar flow filtration, as well as Class I, Division 1 explosion-proof fume systems. These laboratory fume hoods are universally used for the safe handling of chemical fumes. Custom hoods and enclosures are specifically engineered to meet customer specifications. From modifying a simple front open space to accommodating any specific equipment like reactors and pilot plant enclosures, our technical team can work with your end user group to design the right fume hood for your application. The Laminar Flow Fume Hood combines the features of a vertical laminar flow clean bench with that of a fume hood. This versatile piece of equipment can solve many difficult and sometimes conflicting air quality requirements. Laminar Flow Fume Hoods allow for the handling of products that must be kept particle free, while effectively keeping hazardous and noxious particulates and gases away from personnel. We offer both HEPA and UPLA filters. Laminar Flow Fume Hoods typically provide ISO 5 / Class 100 air. However, we also feature Laminar Flow Fume Hoods that provide up to Class 10 / ISO 4 filtration. Fume hoods can built as explosion-proof units. We manufacture explosion-proof fume hoods up to Class I, Division 1 for applications "where ignitable concentrations of flammable gases, vapours or liquids may be present. Air filtration systems are available in a wide range of types, sizes and configurations. Equipment selection is based upon the degree of particle or gas removal required quantity and characteristics of the contaminants within the space as well as the intended applications. Weiber has developed a High Containment Filtration System for hazardous materials where fail-safe redundant exhaust air filtration is necessary. These systems provide the proper filters and airflow required to remove hazardous materials. ACMAS Technologies is a leading Manufacturer of Industrial & Laboratory Equipments for various Applications such asEndospore removal, Incubation, Cell/tissue culture, Vaccine formation/preservation, Hydroponic environment, Seed germination, artificial environment for dormant, seeds, Parental testing etc. for more information Visit acmasindia.com
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