IT industry has evolved over time. We can see more customized solutions rather than off-the-shelf product. Industry is shifting to more of frameworks than a complete product. To differentiate between these two, bottom line is: product has lesser scope of customization while framework is a structure around which different features and components can be built in as per the needs of customer or organization. Industry dynamics has been changing quickly. An evolution in type of service offering by vendors can be noticed. IT vendors and System Integrators (SI) have taken the stride to customize their service offerings to match the needs and demands of the market. Earlier decades, product selling was the main focus of vendors & SI’s. Attending to the crisis call for the sold products weren’t the key focus area that time. Slowly evolving from this, support and maintenance packages started getting into the product catalogues. Be it a ready enterprise application or a licensed product, vendors and SI’s had to clearly define the support structure. But what was the major challenge in delivering support for IT offerings? Obviously: Time Zone difference. Regions had emerged as IT outsourcing hubs to get the benefit of cost and better quality resources. With these regional demarcations, catering to varied time zones was a concern. For applications which are imperative to the business processes, organizations had a concern on type of support being provided by the vendor & SI’s. Large enterprises deal with huge workforces and for them it’s imperative to have a good support for deployed applications. With coming of Open Source Platform, its ecosystem is by and large made of community members contributing to improving the platform and developing it further. Liferay is one such technology platform which has a big community. Also, vendors and SI’s providing Liferay offerings and development optionally provide support services. For organizations opting for Liferay, it is imperative to check if Liferay support is provided by the vendor & SI’s. CIGNEX Datamatics, a leading provider has a strong Liferay Support Team. Support team ensures to support client 24X7 inspite of differences in Time zone. While choosing Liferay, advisable to check the support offered by the vendor to ensure smooth functioning of business.
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