Dental implants are the metal tooth replacement which is placed in place of the missing tooth. These metal implants are a boon for people who have lost teeth due to old age, accident or due to some severe illness. It helps a person to attain the old look better without looking artificial. As the dental implant London are made up of titanium metal, they last longer and are much stronger than the usual traditional methods like dentures and bridges. Moreover they are ideal for a person who has lost one or two teeth, as they cannot use dentures. Dentists use to prescribe dentures to their patients as a replacement of the teeth. They used to take cast of the gums making the dentures a perfect fit. But over a period of time, dentures become loose and you have to take great care while eating, talking and most of all laughing. You must have seen such accidents of dentures falling out when a person laughs too hard. This can be really embarrassing for the person with dentures. Dentures can cause bone loss due to excessive use, which is the reason behind them getting loose. So instead of having such a hassled and problematic option you can have dental implants. These implants are placed in the gums through a dental surgery performed by an experienced dentist w1 surgeon. The dental surgeon will examine your teeth and gums to see if there is an infection or decay, which will be treated first before doing the surgery. It is important to avoid any sort of infection, which may occur due to decaying or disease. Then he will take an x ray of your dentals to see the placement of the teeth and jaw, whether it is healthy enough to sustain the implants. To make space for the screw of the implant, drilling will be done in the gum, into the jaw bone. In this space the titanium implant will be placed tightly with help of the screw, over which the tooth look alike crown will be fixed. The healing period will take up to 6 months, which may be more in some people like heavy smokers or heavy alcohol drinkers. Smoking and alcohol intake may affect the healing process so it is a must for you to avoid it for the time being. If you have teeth grinding problem then get treatment of that first and then opt for the tooth implant. For more information on this or to get an appointment, visit Check Out :- Dentist W1 and Root Canal Specialist Resource:- Dental Implant London
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