Choosing correct and precise electrical supplies for home is a must, since faulty supplies can start fires, which can result in accidents or even death. Knowing the rules and regulations passed by the government for electrical systems is the responsibility of the buyer. Similarly, learning how to identify and recognise a reliable provider of electrical supplies is a worthwhile task. U.K. Statistics According to statistics in 2004, the main cause of fires for permanent dwellings was as a result of faulty electrical systems and appliances. These fires produced thirteen deaths in that same year. Likewise, 885 non-fatal casualties were also due to fires caused by electrical appliances. Faulty wirings and cables that were responsible for a fire rose by four percent during that time. Safety and Buying Tips for Consumers To address this problem, the U.K. government has handed out some safety tips that every consumer needs to be aware of. These safety tips for consumers include the proper use of electrical tools, supplies, and appliances. In addition, it provides buying tips for consumers. Buying Tips: 1. For consumers, the best way to distinguish a reliable electrical product is to find the British Electro-technical Approval Boards (BEAB) seal. Seeing this seal on a product means it has been tested carefully and thoroughly, and approved by the government. 2. Aside from the seal, also look for the manufacturer’s manual. If the manual cannot be found along with the product, ask for it from the electrical supply store. This manual indicates the instructions that must be followed vigilantly by a consumer, especially if you are unfamiliar with how the product works. 3. Though it is not recommended to buy second-hand electrical appliances and supplies, there are still people who purchase them. In this instance, it is advised that consumers have a local technician properly test the tool or appliance before buying it. Safety Tips: 1. Leaving appliances continuously running is not advised. However, there are a few electrical appliances which can be left continuously running provided that the manufacturer’s instructions are followed carefully. While this is only true for a few appliances, all other must be unplugged from the socket. 2. Know the correct electrical fuse for each appliance. This fuse is responsible for the preventing an appliance from overheating. Technically, since each appliance requires a different amount of electricity to operate, a specific type of fuse is also needed. For example, an appliance that operates under 700 watts only needs a 3 amp fuse.
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