Why spend a fortune on expensive readymade baits and ground baits when just as effective alternative options are available?! I began carp fishing over 30 years ago, before the era of readymade baits and here are just a few ideas for incredibly economical baits and ground baits that really work. Read on now for much cheaper big carp! It is so ironical now that many anglers are following a current fashion for using liquidised bread in stick mixes. The way it is used is to put liquidised bread into a water-soluble PVA stocking and compress it so you have a nice compact bait ball ready to fix your hook bait too and cast out. If you dip one end of your bread into an oily dip you will effect make that end more buoyant. Therefore when your bread lands on the bottom you will have a stick of liquidised bread which sticks up vertically; exuding bits and pieces and leaking off lots of oily attraction. You can use any cheap oil for this effect including sunflower oil and very cheap mixed nut oil for example. It all costs peanuts! (Another cheap and very effective idea is adding ground peanuts to the mix too for example!) Bread and peanuts compared to most readymade ground baits and even breadcrumb from fishing shops are cheap (but in my opinion not cheap enough!) So what can you get for even less money? Layers Mash is a chicken feed which costs – chicken feed! It contains lots of crushed cereals such as wheat. While all those boring sheep-like anglers slavishly follow the fashion for things like the oat-based dog food Vitalin which is quite expensive by comparison, Layer Mash is certainly different, cheaper and has been an effective and digestible carp bait for many decades! Why not mix it up with a cheap bait dye or better still a few millilitres of Ccmoore Red Venom Liquid for example. Layers Mash binds easily and it the added dye and liquid food will dye the water an attractive red when the ground bait is introduced; it simply works and is different! This can be used as an incredibly cheap base for all kinds of other baits to help minimise your bait bill! You could all kinds of extremely cheap extra ingredients such as maize, millet, cracked corn and the cheapest wild bird foods, to very cheap biscuit-based dog and cat foods. Everyone and their dog uses the aniseed-flavoured Red Band pigeon food these days and many fish are getting very wary of it - so do your own thing and be different. Why not add a low percentage of very cheap fish meal to boost protein content. You could flavour your Layers Mash-based ground bait with very cheap garlic essential oil for instance. You might lace it with extremely cheap liquid horse molasses to enrich it and to cloud the water even more and pull fish even more effectively?! This is just one simple example of what to use and what you can do to make your own homemade ground baits for tiny sums of money! (For much more information see my website and biography.) By Tim Richardson. Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For these and much more now visit: the home of the world-wide proven homemade bait making and readymade bait success secrets bibles is BAITBIGFISH.COM
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Cheap, homemade, bait, carp, fishing, baits, molasses, corn, maize, aniseed, garlic, flavour, dip, fish, protein, nut, peanuts, bread, PVA, wheat, oil, Red, Band, Tim, Baitbi,